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THEMA: After a break.....

After a break..... 1 Jahr 4 Monate her #587

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 356
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Dear friends and readers!
Sometimes a bit of self-reflection time is needed to regain strength in order to be able to stay sane in an increasingly insane world. I am not recovered by any means. How could I, considering the state of affair Life on this planet is in. The human species as a whole may have lost its chance to survive, or maybe, it never had it to begin with. I have and still am struggling with accepting the advice my own people, Sozieterna, the "eternal society" that we are, given to me, when I went out to open up this website, inviting all humans to come together to meet and learn together about and how best to celebrate Life. I did not want to listen though, of course, despite knowing in my heart, my folks was right. And, as we see once again, all Sozieternas are hunted down again as they always were, while standing up for Life in freedom for all humans and species alike and speaking out against injustice, crime and, perpetrators of vile and evil minds that strive for control over Life, which, of course, is delusional and good for nothing. We all know, Life needs nurture, love and care to prosper, to unfold and create all the wonders it offers and which we adore when observing nature and enjoying its spoils. As sad as it makes me to see my hopes crushed to contribute to Life something constructive, I cannot complain. After all, I am a Sozieterna, knowing Life 's purpose and that awareness requires a physical and mental development every individual life form will have to undergo at its own pace and through personal tribulations and rites until it reaches its destination. As much as it is my solace, I cannot avoid the turmoil that my emotions cause, when I have to watch the suffering and destruction being inflicted by humans, who delight in evil deeds out of their despair over their own ignorance and deluded minds.These creatures are indeed deadly to Life, because they truly hate Life, having to live theirs without ever experiencing happiness and joy.
This is why self-reflection time is important. To stay strong is a must since the blood sucking enemy.is out in full force now. They declared openly war on Life and know no mercy. But! All Sozieternas of this world have mobilised too, digging the trenches at the frontline in defence and, though we may be overrun, we also sow the seeds of Life, because even in the endgame, we are not grave diggers but gardeners. Life will go on, mind you, with some glee, I may say, not to the pleasure of the power drunk egomaniacs. However! If this planet will be able to bring forth new organic life forms, let us hope it is a better, or a more capable breed than homo sapiens.
Last but not least, - f/b does not like me much, please visit my website directly. It will remain free for reading and browsing as usual. Thank you all friends and readers for your interest and for your understanding that I may pause at times.
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