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TOPIC: Black and White......

Black and White...... 1 year 8 months ago #583

  • femina
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It looks as if nothing else exists, or it seems always only either or, though it never is. And what does it matter if there is lots of different greys in between? Nothing! Because only black or white determine the shade. At present grey does not come into the equation anyway, it does not count because black is in control. Just to make it clear, I am talking colors of the mind and soul, not races. I could as good talk about day and night, or good and evil, or black being the nothing and white being life, while the greys are the link between them. It feels like black is the death star, the black hole, succing in and eating up everything but, as it does so, it washes white clean and all will be as it ever was, - black on one side and white on the other. The two are eternally trying to get away from each other, too afraid they are, it could be the end for them as an individual color in their own right, getting lost in the other, though in fact, both have no color themselves. They never can succeed, of course. They are attracted to one another like magnets, and so they dance around each other, constantly leaving a trail of grey between them, because being apart, tears them apart and they are crying in pain and leaking tears, for ever blaming the other for something they create themselves. But what would really happen if they did unite? Would it really be the end of one or the other, or both? Of course not, if they would arrange their union cooperatively, respect and accept the other as they are and work together to make their live together constructive and exciting. Dear reader, you are right! That will never happen, not as long as control and power over the other is sought and not applied to themselves. It means, the prospects for this life as we know it, are sad indeed, because under the given circumstances, black is the death star and though white will be glorious after all, for you, me and all, it is the end of the story, which has no happy ending. At best, one can say, the story has an open ending. But life may have to start all over again on this planet, if lucky, or it may start up somewhere else in our solar system. Or, it will in the wide expanses of the universe, where it most likely exists already anyway since Life is and, remember, nothing is ever lost, only exchanged. .
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