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TOPIC: When is enough really enough?

When is enough really enough? 1 year 11 months ago #577

  • femina
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If you fill a caig and close it up, yes there is an enough as to how much you can fill in. But in all other cases enough is never enough, or so it seems. Well, I have enough of repeating myself about what is going to happen to us, the whole world and, life on this planet. Sinister people have taken control and rule now and their plans being implemented step by step and steady without fail. I also have enough of the constant repetitions of what should be done and that the brave side standing up against them is winning. You got to be kidding yourself. Look around and tell me what winning looks like, because I see nothing of it. What I see is more people talking about the situation, but the people responsible for it still carry on, despite increased opposition. It obviously is not enough to put an end to the abuse, the killing of freedom, people and, all life as we know it. The public still elects corrupted people and sure as, they continue abusing their power, and that is going on all over the world. People still are oblivious into what future they walk into. The best they come up with is to blame the baddies, but are they prepared to really change their own ways? No! They have all kinds of excuses, but not many deserve to be excused. Dumbness is never a proper tool to maintain control over one's own life or rectifying mistakes, because it does not help to understand cause and effect. Dumb people need to be guided. But I wonder about the ratio of dumb and intelligent people living on this planet. Apart from natural causes and wealth distribution that fosters ignorance, the ruling class always wants to keep their slaves dumb. Nothing has changed throughout history as we all know, even stating that man does not lern from his mistakes. Of course, some learn, but not many to the advantage and care for all life. Therefore, how much more repetition is necessary to point at and address the current problems? It is enough what has been said. Sozieterna has warned enough and talked enough about the looming disasters. It has offered the solution too how to stop the madness, which is no complicated affair. It is just a matter of saying NO to evil. But has it been taken serously? Did it stop the criminals in their pursuit of more crime? No! People did not put down their tools, did not choose health over their jobs, did not actively stand up for freedom and democracy, strangled by the traitors in power. Some did say enough is enough, but when a caig has a leak or not even a bottom, you can fill in as much as you want, it is never enough until the cause is fixed. Indeed! Now people must learn the hard way, without a guanrantee to stop the train in motion. The point of no return is approaching faster than you can blink. It may be too late already since people still carry on as usual. But the awake must also carry on as usual, however knowing that nature will take care of what needs to be done.
Last Edit: 1 year 11 months ago by femina.
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