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TOPIC: Total Make-over

Total Make-over 2 years 3 months ago #569

  • femina
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There comes a point when a spring clean won't do anylonger and you have to consider a thorough make-over, a restauration, an overhaul, you name it. It means the old is better truly demolished, all cleaned out properly and then you can start anew, hopefully with better design and quality. It becomes to tedious to maintain what actually is faulty and irraparable. Of course, some things you may save and utilize, but what that may be, is unknown, at least until you sift through the rubble at the demolision site, before you carry off the whole lot. It is too tiring to keep up maintanance with no real repair..
This is metaphor for the state of our planet and its children, us, to be precise. Humans have not been able to succeed in their own right. Their brains were good to a certain extend, but it was applied to foster the destructive elements of development. A shame it is, because the choice of taking advantage of their intelligence in a positive and constructive way was not taken. Thus, humans as they are have landed at the end of a one way street that evolution can offer, since specialization of a particular species is a progression that can only continue if the species is ready to tackle the ongoing challenges. Humans are not capable of further road building, though some think, artificial intelligence will be able to help them with that. It is exactly where humans have lost their grip on reality and it is to their own demise. Of course, some see the problem, but they have not enough persuasive power to open up the underutilized intellectual development of the masses, including the so called, but self styled "elites", who think in terms of destructive progress, not as is necessary to ensure growth and harmonious survival within Earth's environment. It is astonishing to watch these negative powers to take pleasure and act according to their deluded minds, while the masses are paralysed, like the mice confronted with deadly snakes.
In the bigger scale of evolution, it only means, this species has to go and it will, no matter what the power stake holders believe. The evolution of the mind is a slow process, the intended revolution of the mind, they call it "Reset" is forced action and an external change of living conditions, it has nothing to do with growth of things, be it life as a whole, or mind development. In fact, what is required is the ability to accept the marriage of mind and spiritual progress. Not for nothing is there the talk about humans fighting now a spiritual war, the war between good and evil. Indeed so it is, but I do not put the moral stamp on it, because it is not a question of either/or. It is the nature of our universal existence that positive and negative forces have created life and drive it. You cannot win over evil, you can only keep it in its place. The balance between the forces brings the environment closer to its goal, that is the enlightenment, all humans desire, be it in form of paradise after death or as part of life in whatever shape it comes.
If humans think they are God, they not wrong (remember: it is an interpretation of old texts, which can mean many things and is in urgent need of clarification itself), but strictly speaking if God exists, He has two sides too, the good and the bad. The notion that He is only good, is just one side of the coin. As soon as you have something in existence there is always the opposite present too. Nothing can be one sided. You may see one side only, but the other side exists, like it or not.
The conclusion is, if humans are God, they may live according to the positive, the good side, or they may chose the opposite, the bad, evil side. But you cannot defeat one side over the other, the best you can do is, living in balance, right in the middle and controll both sides. Then life can prosper, evolution can forge its way and humans can expand their horizon into the realm, they utterly are destined to reach, if they could truly get rid of the old errrors and make place for insight, love and care for all that is. It is wishful thinking that it may still be possible to achieve, but the major overhaul is unavoidable. And if humans cannot do it, nature will. .
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