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TOPIC: Heavy heart

Heavy heart 2 years 7 months ago #534

  • femina
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I know it is odd to say that physical pain is easier to bear than the psychologal. It is like apples and oranges, how can you compare?. But when the soul feels heavy from sadness and the mind is tormented by worries and despair, it becomes physical pain after all. It is therefore hard to make the distinction. In the end, the suffering is the same and one may choose to end it all. It does not even matter where the pain comes from, at least I experience it that way. Just to see another creature suffering breaks my heart. And now, so many are suffering and there is my heart, strained, pumping so hard and often it says, it wants to stop. So I sit down and let it rest for a little while, wondering why should it carry on when life is just so sad and all is lost to darkness and misery and evil keeps spreading like the wildfire out of control. I understand, my heart is overwhelmed and there it is trying desperately, to keep me alive and do things to maybe make a difference. It is a vicious circle. And I ask, when my body is telling me that it has difficulty to cope, why is my mind not stopping to torment it? Not all is ever just bad! There are still good things abound and all must go and end. So I get up again and my heart is satisfied. What a good job it does! Pumping and pumping and keeping me alife, telling me, 'just take a little break and all is alright'.
Last Edit: 2 years 7 months ago by femina.
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