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THEMA: Be aware!

Be aware! 11 Jahre 6 Monate her #14

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 356
  • Dank erhalten: -1
  • Karma: -1
Dear Sozieternas and friends!

It is amazing to see how quick people are to exploit others for their own purpose. The website Sozieterna.com was absolutely "hot of the press" literally speaking, when already some of the business minds were jumping on the wagon of opportunity to drum up their own business, pretending to have some kind of association with the name or the site of Sozieterna.

How do you deal with such elements? Well, one can protest, try to reason, ignore or fight them. I will use the opportunity to elaborate on this subject in one of the next blogs.
But let us look at what it actually says about that kind of business.Generally speaking it shows the business is desperate for money, because either they may otherwise not survive or because they are greedy. Which ever way, it is a declaration of incompetence, No successful business needs to resort to desperate measures. No competent business needs to pretend success. Trickery might catch the unsuspecting customer and yes it can bring in money, but I cannot imagine any customer would ever want to come back or entice others to do business with them.
If greed is the motivator then one can rest assured, these business endeavors are self defeating. It is better to deal with the frustration they cause, than to waste any time on dealing with them. See my blog on frustration.

Let me stress one point in particular, Sozieterna services can and are only offered through the Affiliate membership available on this site. There are no external associates or options.
Sozieternas may offer their expertise within this affiliate site, but they will never claim to do do so if they work independently.
Does that mean you have to be an affiliate to access the help of a Sozieterna? Of course not! There are many of them working effectively right now, but you would not know that they are Sozieternas. Neither would I name them without their permission. Sozieterna.com however ensures that you have access to a true Sozieterna service if you wish so.

Of course, I have no intention to diminish other sites of their value, nor make a judgement about them. I am sure there are high quality services available for what ever your needs are, but they work in their own rights just as Sozieterna does. It is my pleasure to be part of the variety on offer, but Sozieterna.com has no intention to enter competitive games.

Please take care always in whatever you do
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