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TOPIC: Resurrection and Ascension

Resurrection and Ascension 2 years 5 months ago #550

  • femina
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You do not have to be religious to acknowledge the significance these two words for our lifes. It is but no accedent that they are important to all, spiritually, psychologically and philosophically since we are creatures of complex thought. In fact, they are part of every day life without us thinking about it, because they are a natural occurrence, but only gain on importance when we are confronted with the possibility of death. We go to bed and sleep, not knowing if we actually will have another morning arising and another day coming. And we never consider that it may be our opportunity to ascend to glorius heights or fall down an abyss. There is no need to celebrate Easter as a reminder, just as there is no need for Mothersday, Springcleaning or World Energie Saving Day, because every day is resurrection day and it is our will if we will do the right thing or not, meaning, care for ascension or go on a downward spiral.
However, the marked religious festival has a place to lift us up to the real significance of rebirth and what enlightenment means, to which we all tend to aspire, except we are the children of Darkness and Despair, living the nightmare of eternal pain.
One thing is clear: before we can be resurrected, we have to die, meaning, in real life we have to hit "rock bottom", have to lose everything and have nowhere to go. At that point the chance of the new can be found among the ashes and the choice of way is ours once again. What is currently happening in the world is not different either. It is indeed the death to all we have become accustomed to. Though it was coming for a long time since we did not care about what we did with the abundance given to us. The powers who brought us this brutal awakening, are not the ones I would want to follow further more, because they are the worst of the crop of our wrong doing. But now they have taken over like poison ivy and strangler vines. Still! Love your enemy, because without them, the world would continue suffering and we would still do nothing to stop it. Hence, the bust had to come and thanks to these truly evil spirited mob that intends to carry on with their foul goals, the tumor had to break open, lifting its ugly head to bring the destruction in preparation for a new ground to be made. The powers unleashed are truly deadly, but so was the tragedy of our mismanagment of Life. Alas! Let us join now and let us save what can be saved for an ascension to a better world, where light is and love and care for everything. Let us say no to luring Medusa with the many heads and tongues speaking sweetly while breathing out toxic fumes and lashing us into submission. With the ascension to light Medusa will not follow. Let her be, as long as she stays in the place where she belongs. Mind you, she cannot be defeated and that should not be our goal either, because she serves us too, if only as a reminder, when we fail in our care, when we forget that every day is resurrection day and ascension is our choice to make..
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