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TOPIC: And the Oscar goes.....

And the Oscar goes..... 5 years 3 months ago #291

  • femina
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  • Karma: -1 my body. Receiving scary health news at the end of the year was not expected but there it is and I have to deal with it. I am grateful but that my body has served me so well over all this years of my life. Obviously it is in the forefront of all problems that can plague me, or anyone for that matter. It has to bear all the misuse we do to ourselves, be it physically, mentally or at the core of our being, spiritually. I have to figure out now, how I can help my body to heal and I will do that with all my heart and abilities, because my body deserves all love and care for what it has to put up with. I know I treated it carelessly and I know, there are issues lurking in my mind unresolved, just don't know yet, which have been so entrenched and neglected that my body had to take over trying to resolve them. I am grateful to all cells, molecules, atoms and particles I am made of but the sick ones need to go and they will, because the body has the incredible ability to regenerate and replace the old with the new and the sick with the healthy, I only have to encourage it and support it and hopefully I will be by eradicating the cause. I just have to find it first, pinpoint it and work out the solution. This is the least my body deserves and the best I can do for myself. So! 2019, you will be the year of soul searching for me and celebrating you my body for your faithful service.
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