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DNA, chapter 3, Epilog

Posted by on in Book Translations


‘To be or not to be?’ What is here in question? Is it about the ‘Here’ being less beautiful than the ‘There’? May be! Or, if ‘to be’ is a problem, does it mean ‘not to be’ is the solution because it implies there is no ‘There’? 

Essentially it is the question of WHY that has everyone puzzled. If there is a here, logic dictates there is a there. The Here one can see, its HOW can be explained. That may however be a deception, relying too much on Factuality without the consideration of Nothing. 

It is not a question of ‘either – or’, but of ‘and’, ‘to be and not to be’. For both the interest lies in the WHY? What is the point, the meaning, the purpose? 


One is left to ponder about it with phantasy, or theory, or science and believes as in religion, or mind concepts and logical thought as in philosophy. It is the reason for the overall uncertainty because all ideology lacks the intensely desired and generally approved



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