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DNA Chapter 1, Part 4

Posted by on in Book Translations

Should we be concerned about the children living in such unconventional conditions? This is a question only asked by people who believe their type of raising children is the right one. Sozieternas are less categorical. The only thing they insist on is that every Sozieterna is responsible for all children, their own or not. The two women would never consider anything else.

Children as a topic is for them always present, particularly as they have such a different opinion about it. Tina is keen to test Femina’s decision not to have any children. After all, she may want to change that. In the past they had hot discussions about it. Femina accused Tina once of having her child only for selfish reasons anyway. Of course, this was unfair, like the boxer hits under the belt. Tina’s reaction was just the same, stating that ’Femina’s childlessness being nothing but selfish.’ They ended up laughing and the topic was deferred.

However, children are not only on the agenda due the Femina’s unchanged intentions to remain childless, but particularly when the theme veers into the realm of future in general. Naturally it is ever-present tonight, because Femina is truly fed up with everything while Tina is relaxed and beams with optimism.

They remained silent for a while, getting lost in their own thoughts. There are the little noises breaking into the silence, the click of a lighter, the cups on the saucer, a big breath.

Femina gets up to put a vinyl on her turntable. She has a small collection of these, a left over from the old days. Some of them have indeed become quite valuable. But the truth is, Femina is rather reluctant to throw things out, particularly when she has fond memories connected with them. 

‘Karma’, that is what she feels for right now. The music’s effect is immediate, - magic potion! She can throw all her negative feelings into it. The music devours them, and then returns them in soothing sounds which can then travel back into her brain. The sounds make the membranes swing so very differently to what aggression could achieve. Music a magic potion? Certainly, because she is a transformer and that is not new indeed.

Femina glances over to her friend. Tina is showing her motherly side, because she

checks the clock, looks at the little one, who is soundly asleep anyway, and then blinks over to Femina. Femina smiles mockingly.

“Do you remember when we called each other selfish discussing the kiddies? Ridiculous, isn’t it? We both  a  r  e  selfish! Why did we really get to that stage? Because we wanted to proof each other wrong, or having higher morals than the other, or wanting to convert each other?”

“Ah Tina my love,” Femina agrees in delight. “I still believe, that our children have it not easy, but on the other hand, I can see how well off they are too. So be it! Besides, your motherly persona suits you so well.”

“Same can be said for you,” responds Tina and grins unashamedly.

“I am not motherly!” protests Femina, but Tina rolls her eyes and sighs. “Sorry,” she says after all, “you are the biggest mother hen I know!”

Femina responds by shrugging her shoulders. The music gets hold of her again with Leon Thomas voice insisting:

“The creator has a master plan. Peace and happiness for every man………….”

Femina listens intently. Her eyes wander off into the distance. There the dreams are empty, because there the dreams are alive and have no need to keep dreaming.

“Ga, ga, ga, gaaaa….., “she returns to the now, tries to imitate a chicken, by flapping with arms bent. Tina smiles. Stopping with the cackles she stares at Tina until they both fall into laughter. As different as they are, so united they are. No other society unites opposition so peacefully. There they are, two women, one believing that having children enriches her existence, the others sees them as hindrance. One states, how beautiful it is to create new life. The other insists life is not good enough as it is. Tina talks about ‘creation’, Femina about ‘obligation.’  The sperm is already a gift! Though demands start at the latest there! Pregnancy gives! Pregnancy takes! You could go on to the bitter end where the friendship could falter or war could begin. After all, here come ‘Existence’ and ‘Non-Existence’ into question and that can be confrontational. But Tina and Femina don’t fight with each other, they laugh together. They have no superimposed moral obligations. Sozieternas live according to the principle to live life in full consciousness. In it all variety has a place . Adversity does not exclude but includes. It comes to no surprise that Yin and Yang in black and white is an emblem in their nation’s armorial bearings.

“You know,” says Femina, ”sometimes I am overwhelmed by horror to find the mental development of the human race leaving the individual human being far behind. It seems, he cannot grasp his own potential, and cannot control the spirits he called. I am so over it to be drawn into the turmoil of the ones who really don’t know what they are doing. In my books history does not need to continue. But I truly feel sorry for the children.”

“My dear, I know. I understand you too good. I myself worry as well,” replies Tina compassionately. “But you will see, it will, it must change! You can already smell the change coming, you can see the changes. The chaos will find a new order! No need to be so pessimistic! Of course you feel depressed by all the pressure you are under at the moment, but don’t fret! The mass is inert. It needs force to move it and forces need to have enough momentum. We all operate under these rules. It is the law of physics, if you don’t mind me to remind you.”

Femina shrugs her shoulders. “It is such a pain to wait.  There are too many ignorant people around me who drive me nuts. You know, they dream of freedom, but hate the freethinker.  In fact, they are so afraid of freedom and more so to live freedom. Though I do understand, I don’t like it. I would forgive these ignorants their fear and ignorance and even their incapability, but they are so self-absorbed and try to up-load their conflicts on me. That goes too far! They can keep their rubbish. After all, I am not the councils rubbish collector, who only exists anyway because they don’t clean up after themselves. It truly is enough that I acknowledge the garbage, and leave as soon as possible.”

Tina giggles amused, stating that her friend de-rationalizes employment opportunities. Besides they were talking about children, a different thing altogether. But Femina shakes her head in disagreement. These things are all interrelated to her and are a major reason why she chooses genocide in contrast to Tina who opts for genesis. Future can go on without her. Her friend contributes to the bill. That evens out the balance.

“The creator has a master plan………, love and peace for every man………”

“It is overdue to clear primeval fear from horror! An analysis is urgently required,” she blurts out unexpectedly and unheralded. Silence follows, her thoughts going their own way. ‘To be occupied by fear is loss of freedom, exactly where fear has taken its place.’

“I cannot prevent that other’s constraints limit my freedom,” she continues, “you know as the saying goes,’ you can’t leave in peace if the neighbor doesn’t let you’, or you raise suspicion because you are not fitting the mould, or where the norm determines purpose of life. I just cannot pretend it doesn’t matter! I have to make a stand for freedom, despite knowing that besides our people hardly anyone else understands what I am talking about. Unfortunately, I am no hero, nor do I intend to be one. To take flight is I believe the most rational action.”

Tina nods and states with contempt: “Males World!” The patriarchal races towards the abyss, and so is everything else. Have you considered all aspects of your flight? After all, it is up to us women to take action. We women have to fight for freedom! We women have to turn the wheel around! We must take the rains! Otherwise, you know what chances we all have…….”

Femina is not convinced. “As women? We have hardly a chance! Look at the plight of women all over the world. Women cannot succeed because as soon as they start to think they get eliminated. And we, us Sozieternas, we are far too small in numbers! Pity? Well not necessarily, isn’t it? The unfit die. Why should we cry about the human race! Sure, that we are caught within is a reason. Obviously I don’t like to go down in flying colors. And yes, mass is inert. But this is now more an excuse for being lazy with decay setting in; decomposing what was once so full of promise. To top it all, I see how time has got a hold on me, so I need to react. At this stage I truly find stability and solace in my nomadic nature, but in genocide lays my answer. To come back to you and me, I am the ‘black prophet’; you are the ‘white painter’.”

Tina is amused. She laughs softly and while straightening up her spine she says: “I do agree, absolutely.”

Femina is waiting. Usually when the gender issues come up in their conversation, Tina enquires about Femina’s love affairs. It would certainly provide better entertainment. Lust makes for more fun than ‘frust’. But Tina says nothing. May be she believes there is nothing Femina has to tell, because both of them have nothing good to say about men. That is rather unusual. Though Tina does not generally like men, including Sozieternas, she gives them at least the credit that they don’t harm and have their role in raising children. Femina however likes men. She prefers Sozieternas, particularly when it comes to long term relationships, but she also makes friends with others, if they can raise her interest in some way or another. Both women find the evolutionary fact of a dualistic gender development fascinating. They talk about it not only because it is something that cannot be dismissed by nature, but because it is a fundamental discussion of significance for all intelligent minds and of universal proportion.  Femina sees pleasure in it as well. Tonight that aspect of pleasure does obviously not prevail. Femina is too caught up in frustration and stuck on freedom. With Tina not taking the lead, she comes back from the side trekking of her mind with a well known quotation: “War is the father of all things!”

But the water of a spring flows on as well. “It is the mother of all things!”     






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