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THEMA: Dead End Road

Dead End Road 1 Jahr 8 Monate her #581

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 356
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No matter from which angle you look at the developments our world, our societies, indeed civilisation and, nature are undergoing right now, - it is the end of a road. The dismantling, the destruction, the ruin, all is right in your face and nothing can stop the demise. Bye bye and thank you for the good times, dear Mother Earth! Sadly your human children have been unfit custodians of their inheritance. The odd thing is, they still believe they are masters, blaming others for the harm they cause and carry on causing. Their mindset is on killing, for food, all things precious and, for other reasons too. But it still boils down to basics, which is still food and necessities for survival. Unfortunately, intelligence has been turning against them. The majority of people does not realize it, including the intelligent ones, which is the real concern. The problem of being intelligent but having no insight, no advanced mental capacity to draw the right conclusion is to blame, because survival is no longer the issue, maintanance is. The so called (selfstyled) elites have no understanding what Life is, or means, but they carry on regardless and powerfully, with their ignorant minds set to destroy what is and achieve what they actually seek: Eternal Life! Yes, they really want that and once again, nothing will or can stop them in their endevour to achieve it. The road they have chosen is open for them, or so they believe, having brought so much power and resources into their hands that they literally control everything, the material they need for the building of the road, the people who help them building and the technology that hastens the roadworks. It seems a done deal. Sure, their success is astounding, but katastrophic for Mother Earth and its children and, cataclysmic for the Blue Planet itself. I am so sick of hearing the haggling about who is guilty of what, Climate change,no climate change, viruses, no viruses, concocted or not, released or escaped from labs here or there, wars and, hunger and, states plotting domination over all elements that gave and kept Life in such incredible wonderous harmony for a very nice long time, who cares for that? It does not solve the problem. Dreaming of keeping the human kind alive on an other planet? Maybe feasable, reasonable or not, why bother? Because the one planet, which had it all, can no longer sustain Life? Everything was abundant here and, possible and, achievable, but with that lot of failed human development, no Life here nor there is something I would aspire to or love to be part of. I always was puzzled by people worrying about their relationships, be it the small unit one, or the large scale ones. Nothing is ever to worry about, if you do the right thing today and feel happy with the partner when the day ends. Why would anything be different tomorrow? Sure, things can happen that cause pain, disappointments, distress, but it all pales in the face of love for one another, care and compassion for all things within small communities and more so within nature that cares for us all. Death is part of Life. Why not celebrating Life instead of shortening it, disrespecting it, destroying it?
I know, you, dear reader, you do not belong to the fools that think they can have it all at the expense of the rest. I also know, we are a minority, who do their best to make the world a better place against all odds that ignorance fosters. But, forget hope, it gets you nowhere. Better we carry on doing what we can do, and take solace in the wisdom of truth and the knowledge of ourselves.
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