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THEMA: Pandemic of hysteria

Pandemic of hysteria 4 Jahre 1 Monat her #406

  • femina
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That is what we got and it is spreading like wildfire. It has no rational behind it because the illness every one seems to fear is no plague, no Ebola, no Cholera or typhoid, indeed no disease that is decimating the world's population on an unprecedented scale. In fact, the hysteria helps to divert the public from the real threat to their lives that is looming which is the extinction of life of all as we know and which is just at our door step. And of course we have the morons of politicians who want to contain a virus by mass isolation for their own image gain to restore what they have lost in the public eye by previous poor decision making and now cannot afford to be seen as not doing everything to keep their flock from dying. But, Scott, the Moron, the shining knight in armour, did not contain anything by flying out people from China when the first cases became known. Just the opposite is true. China was isolating already and by importing the most likely virus carrying individuals to Australia over such distance and into pristine environmental conditions was the first stupid action while all other flights and business traffic went on without further concern. And now we have a down turn in the economy which needs stimulation, because business and the life of people is interrupted to such an extent that fear about a depression with longer lasting consequences is anticipated. Though at the same time, Scott, the Moron wants people to spend money, to keep the economy afloat. How? By online shopping? And is the cost that is arising with all these governmental decisions to lock down not even worse than what the cost world be to care for sick people even on a bigger scale than usual, because an outbreak of influenza would strain the health care system? By all means, keep up the hygiene, don't go to work or out and about when you are sick spreading the virus, but the hysteria fuelled by busy bodies is in no relation to what the risks to dying from it are. Have you heard 80 year olds fighting about toilette paper? No! The ones who do are not even in the risk group. Well, morons deserve to be governed by morons. And yes, they will die too, but not from the new influenza virus, but from the consequences of their own actions, their greed and ignorance and stupidity that destroys a wonderful planet. I would love to see a hysteria setting in to do something about climate change, but that is now taken care off by worrying about something rather trivial that is blown out of proportion by morons with an agenda of their own. It serves the intelligent manipulators who stay in the background and smile. After all, it's business as usual. Climate change? Who cares!
Letzte Änderung: 4 Jahre 1 Monat her von femina.
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