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THEMA: Shame on you.....

Shame on you..... 4 Jahre 7 Monate her #341

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 347
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…...Sco-Mo (Australian Primeminister) for your speech at the UN regarding Australian action on climate change. You gave the impression to be doing something constructive when in fact the opposite is true. Yes, the government is doing something, but not what it should do. You failed to admit that CO2 emission have been and are on the rise for years and that the industry gets the go ahead with new massive projects on mining for coal, oil, gas and, nothing is done to effectively curb gas emissions, nor pollution to waterways, nor are there any policies in place to protect the environment from exploitation, despite the immediate danger to life on earth, including that of our species. And shame on this journalist Paul Murray by name, who gleefully expresses his satisfaction that Tim Flannery, a respected scientist and activist for 20 years warning on the impending consequences of inaction over pressing environmental issues, who concluded that his painstaking work amounted to nothing after all. What kind of people are these two, blatantly twisting truth and celebrating the "failure" of another man's compassionate work for the good of all? Are they morons? Pathological liars? Ignorants, living in denial because of their inability to face the truth? Or are they truly disadvantaged by nature, short-sighted, blind, lacking the intelligence needed to draw logical conclusions? Well, they don't come across to me as handicapped. They come across to me as people seeking popularity, needing the public's approval and applause and voters for their own success and image. Unfortunately, the human race is full of this kind. We would not be in this situation if humans had insight not just intelligence. But the truth always finds its way to the surface, no matter how much one tries to keep it buried.
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