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THEMA: And another mindless TV-programm

And another mindless TV-programm 5 Jahre 5 Monate her #270

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 347
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"THE WORLD OF 4 YEAR OLDS"! It is unbelievable, but what adult person is really interested in that kind of entertainment that actually is the world of 4 year old kids? Yes, kids can be very funny, but would I want to watch them on TV as special entertainment? Do the programmers really believe their target viewer is mentally that regressed that it justifies their offerings? It must be, if they actually evaluate their clientele, or may be, they just don't care any longer, because they know, who can afford pay TV, does not watch free TV and the ones who cannot, are truly the underprivileged for whom anything will do. Well, why watch TV for entertainment anyway, when there is more fun to be had, without, paid for or not.
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