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THEMA: Mirror, mirror on the wall.....

Mirror, mirror on the wall..... 5 Jahre 5 Monate her #266

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 347
  • Dank erhalten: -1
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I must have a goblin in my home who changes my bathroom mirror every night, because every morning when I go to the bathroom and look into the mirror, a stranger looks back at me, someone with wrinkles, wild eyebrows and other hair in places, where it does not belong. This person also has freckles, but not the nice confetti kind with which I could live, if I had any to begin with. These ones are blotchy and scattered at random, not just around the nose where the sweet and tiny like to sit. Of course, it takes ages to make myself presentable, because it is not as simple to put make-up on this face as it is with mine. Then during the day, busy as can be, I can check out other mirrors and I look just fine. But lately I have noticed that this goblin may extend his field of activity also elsewhere. I really wonder, if I will get rid of him ever again. After all, it is not that simple when you deal with such an illusive clown.
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