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About.... Thoughts on 23 and 24

Veröffentlicht von am in General Ideas

There is not much more to say to the year 2023 than I already did over and over again and again, and since others have now come out to talk about the events of late too, I am too tired to repeat or add to it.

Altogether, 23 was rather a breather. In fact, it gave people time to forget what has happened to them. And forget they do, believing it was just a bad dream. Some have not even a recollection because now it is life as usual. Sadly, it is far from it and sadly, this is just the calm before the big storm that is yet to come.

Sure, more people are now aware of how they have been duped, lied to, abused and driven into despair due to sudden poor health, poverty and, death of a loved one. But! Nothing has come of it, no change, no retribution, no apologies neither from the instigators, nor their followers. The crooks are still in power, cementing themselves in with new laws and relentless persecution for the ones not in line with them. The world has been turned upside down, the righteous sit in jail, crime gets worse by the day and the cry for the saviour gets louder. So, nothing has changed, nor will it, not for the better anyway. It seems the pain has not yet reached the point where it is unbearable and too many find it still too absurd to believe that a group of people could attempt to knowingly cause harm and strive to become the ruling class of the world and play God. Indeed, who of a sound is not stunned by the delusional bubbles oozing out of every orifice of these evil-minded lot. But and that is a big but, Evil can only grow, if left unchecked and unopposed, just like weed takes over all else when not taken care of by the gardener.

What is there left to add when even in hindsight, albeit learning the truth, insight does not keep pace with it. The traps are now closing. Once they are shut tight, even with the violence of despair, escape will only, if at all possible, cost blood and lives. 23 was sadly only a breather for us, the ignorant plebs, because the enemy needed to review, re-evaluate its strategies, reform and, adapt them, reinforcing and strengthening their battleground and front lines, securing their headquarters and, building bunkers, should they need to retreat for a little while.

It sure is not easy to watch the inevitable unfolding, but it was a long time coming and there is no way to blame only one side for its development into outright war. After all, war is a culmination of many things festering unresolved, usually over a long time. It may start with niggling and prodding, rather as a nuisance than something major. But it grows because it is not taken seriously, or as too hard to look for an early intervention and resolution. One party fools itself by minimising, ignoring, rationalizing the problems for all kinds of reasons, while the other gets more brazen if not stopped. However! Getting away with harassment, abuse or even plain violence acts like a poisoned spearhead in the flesh which cannot be shaken off. The guilty perpetrator wants the victim to stand up against him as it makes them equal, allowing him to openly be violent, which he always is either way. In any case, he always will blame the other or something, even claim provocation as an excuse for his evil deeds.

Unfortunately, all too often you hear victims say, when asked why they do not defend themselves, fighting back, even with force: ‘I do not want to be become the same like them, I am better than them; the enemy wants me to become violent and I be dragged down to his level’. So, they hang in and bear more abuse even to the bitter end. But, if they do not stand up and fight, they will have to flee or retaliate later down the road anyway. At one point they will have to grab a weapon to defend themselves and even kill the other, or they will die, no doubt about it.

When you dissect the above statements, they are grotesque, because you never are the same than the perpetrator. To defend yourself is not evil, instead, you become complicit with evil by letting evil get away with its evil deed. To defend your life and that of others, to stand up against abusers and criminals of all kinds, to take up a weapon for the good to prevail is a duty, not a competition about who is morally on higher grounds than the other. The excuse not to fight because we are ‘better than them’ is lame and as hollow as an empty keg of beer, because it allows a conflict to escalate to outright war, which is the final conflict resolution. Then, both parties fight on the same battle field. There is no better or worse level, war is war, it is the killing fields, and the victorious party can afterwards claim the moral grounds for the right or wrong reasons.

Good people have no need to insist on being better than the other. Instead, they act as soon as evil raises its head for that is the time when a simple and categorical strong NO would suffice to stop evil in its track. Moral high grounds are claims without merits. How many good people were there in the recent years, particularly in the last four to react immediately to the obvious transgressions on basic human rights?

However! To dwell on the past is not beneficial without learning from it and I believe people did and still are in the process of doing just that. Sadly, the problem is that evil has not been stopped. It has only been aggravated. But it had to show its face and faces. And what ugly faces they are! Naturally, it forces evil to speed up its pursuit. 23 is the year of the double-edged sword. Remember, while people became hopeful again as the wounds start to heal, all resources on the other side of the divide were examined, sorted, improved or discarded and new tools added, to forge ahead with decisive strategies to achieve the set goals. And their resources are incredibly rich and versatile. They employ the best of the best in their fields of expertise, who are happily willing to serve them, while any opponent of equal abilities at least, and definitely of higher integrity in character, are silenced, by whatever means.

A final thought to 23, the most important anyway, nature is currently taking over. The “Evil Brigade” believing it can control nature, is mistaken, of course. It can interfere with it, as it has done now for so long, but controlling it would require far more power than the whole brigade can yield. Nature will succeed in re-establishing the balance for life to go on, and hopefully so on our planet Earth. It may not be the life as we know it, but after all, planet life is not the only life there is. And mind you, the topic of “climate change” is not what I refer to here, because that is part of the Kabal, not what I mean by the ‘nature of existence’.

So, what does that mean for 24? I rather do not delve too deep into predictions since the future is never set in stone. On the more general level, the year will be dramatic. More pain, more lives lost, more ugliness than beauty, more despair and more regrets, but also more resilience and more hope, because phoenix always rises from the ashes, more beautiful and with renewed strength, hardened and forged by fire. The human race has the opportunity to come out of its troubled teenage years with a sound mind and insights beyond the current comprehension, leaving its confusing search for its identity behind, and truly understand what life is all about. And NO! This is not achieved with AI, because AI replaces humans, not making them wiser. 24 will make us or break us. And one has to be very clear about phoenix. This bird rises out of the ashes of any fire and will soar in other skies as good. Earth is not the only planet in the vast expanses of the universe, where life as we know it, may strive. That we have not found any evidence of it as yet means little. It certainly does not mean, it cannot exist.

While the exploration of the universe is exiting, let us not forget to look at our home first and with all our love and care it deserves. Our blue planet is a jewel and to let it shine again in its lustrous colour sure is worth every effort. But humans have to decide now to invest into their own future in harmony with nature, or vanish as nature cleans out the house.

And there is one other particularly important thing to remember, which is the understanding of the meaning of “double speak”, the language spoken by a forked tongue. What sounds reasonable and re-assuring, is in fact anything but. Of course, it lies in the nature of our existence to have two sides to a story as there are two sides to a coin. After all, we live in a dualistic world (bipolarity of existence). It therefore applies to everything, including language, the tool of communication in service of social life. But language is more than that. It is an expression of thought for specific purposes and has two facets to it. One is the ‘modus operandi’, the other what goal should be achieved. For example, you may listen to a beautiful song, stirring up emotions to which you can relate due to your past experiences or a current situation. You react to it in your very own way, not realizing that you are driven into a certain direction and lead on a path, not because you chose it, but because you got carried on to it and swept away with it. It means, language, spoken, written, sung or in whatever way artistically expressed, can manipulate people’s mind without them being aware of it. What in fact expresses a positive and acceptable message in your opinion pursues nothing good and leads you with your permission down a nefarious path into a trap you will not recognize as such. Therefore, you will hardly try to escape from it before it is too late anyway.

Let us look at another example of ‘double meaning’ since it has become the slogan of specific political interests. To say, ‘you will own nothing and will be happy’, does not really sound bad, isn’t it? In fact, it is true, you do not need anything worldly to be happy and possessions cause a lot of headaches, work, worries to get and keep them, or even get more, but the point is, you can be happy with or without possessions, neither will guarantee your happiness. It is thus erroneous and misleading to insist that possessions and ownership of goods are a bad thing. People are bad, not things that you have, or make you rich. Though, strictly speaking, the more you own, the less likely it is that you live in peace, neither within your environment, communities, nor with yourself. Certain is but, that nobody really owns anything. You only claim ownership, for a purpose, of course, and it is reasonable too, to a certain and beneficial extent. For instance, claiming a territory to ensure your survival is a basically instinctual need applicable to the animal kingdom for the right reason, but even there, no true ownership exists. To recognize ownership over materialistic things as an illusion would be a sign of maturity of a truly civilised society, where man has grown up, having left his animal past to memory in favour of intelligent insight to foster progress for his and all life. It would make wars over territory obsolete. Actually, modern wars are not fought because people have nothing to eat, they are fought to have more to eat than the other and, for dominance over the other. A truly civilised race would not want to go to war, would not need to dominate. People would work together to make life as prosperous as possible for all and everything. After all, the point of life is to foster the development of consciousness, from the micro-cosmic proportion that our own species represents, to the macro-cosmic, pervasive consciousness of the universe and ultimately the transcendent consciousness of it all. Transcendence is a big word and nobody really seems to understand it, though it is actually simple, meaning there is no longer the division into dualistic thought concepts, where you take sides. Instead of separation is unity, accepting the existence of both without the need to judge. And where a coin is just a coin, understanding that it has to have 2 sides, but the value is the same on both sides. It does not matter what you have, own, claim to own. What matters is what you do with it. But what matters the most is what you do with your life, because it is indeed the only thing you do own. And finally, since your life is not an independent unit, only part of life altogether, what do you do for life itself? In short, if you claim ownership of whatever it is, you are responsible to take care of it. And make no mistake: Ownership does not equal possession. Ownership is all about responsibility. Possession is all about control and power. Its language is that of the forked tongue in the classic meaning of “double speak”.

So! What will 24 be like? It will certainly not be an easy year that is a given. A scenario of misery is definitely a realistic assumption but that does not mean it will be. The signs of rising awareness are more than hope and wishful thinking. However, we all must face the fact that we are walking a precarious path. If we cannot get our act together now, it cannot be emphasised enough, we will be doomed and so may also be our planet. However, 24 is not the end of the world, even if the point of no return is coming closer more quickly than we think. It is unlikely that the end, doomsday so to speak, would be a quick event anyway. Death will be by stealth, as it has already is apparent. It may accelerate as the momentum rises, but time is relative and therefore hard to estimate precisely. And yes, there may be cataclysmic occurrences, man-made or not, even a meteor may hit Earth, all is possible, but it still does not mean instantaneous death to everything everywhere. I am not sure what is the better way to go. I am but very sure that I wish for life to go on and prosper.

Usually, I would publish end of year thoughts timelier to the turnover of the year, but this time I hesitated due to my perception that 23 and 24 have no real distinction. They rather flow into each other and the prospects won’t differ dramatically because what we are going through at this point is not limited to one year, too massive are the changes. But let us hope for the best and do everything we can to let life prosper once again and we, that is our children, can live in harmony with nature and in peace with each other and that we, the human race can indeed reach our destination.

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Gast Freitag, 14 März 2025