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DNA Chapter 1, Part 3

Veröffentlicht von am in Book Translations

They are a minority, but they differ from other ethnic groups and any other nations as they have no and never claim or want to have a state of their own. They have no government and no representative whom they chose and who would act on their behalf. Every single person is a representative of their nation. Every single person takes care of governing business by consulting each other if necessary. They have neither jurisdiction nor executive power because they have no written laws and therefore don’t need law enforcement. They have councils for all matters they wish to address. They have freedom of faith, though they may not belong to a religious community and they certainly have no priesthoods.

Generally they are nomads, or cosmopolitans, settling at times and integrating into the local society, but they usually don’t claim ownership of anything and do not get hooked on possessions. They use things; make use of things and it means that they are ready to move on any time they wish.

Social bonds between them are strong. Men and women are equal in their social standing and both are emancipated. There are no restrictions with whom they wish to form a relationship. You can find couples of different or same sex, communes, groups sharing one household, or couples that live separately and not even distances between them gives an indication of how strong their bonds are, because they believe, that physical closeness is no measure of their feelings and feelings do not dissipate only because they may need to live apart. But they still have a strong longing for togetherness to be with their loved ones and their fellow Sozieternas. That is expressed by having an own language despite being multilingual. They also have their own education programs, are active in media politics, sponsor science and arts and ensure every child has the best of education that can be found. You find many scientists and artists in their population. They have the world’s best memory-computer system that is in existence, that is accessible to all, and in fact all contribute to it as well. Their Life Codex however is in its flexibility passed on by mouth; because everyone writes his own history and the basic principles that apply to all are internalized. These don’t require to be set in stone and there are only a few, so nobody needs to refresh their memory.

They have a city, Solarsol, or as they call it, the Camp. Everyone will visit there as often as they can or wish. Only Sozieternas live there, not because they don’t like strangers, it is because hardly any stranger will get there. Femina was there once, loving it. She has only fond memories that will last forever. Of course, she will attempt to visit again and some when she will. To talk about it needs to be left for another time. One thing is very certain: To be a member of Sozieterna is a privilege and no Sozieterna would ever want to be anything else.

While Camp is their center or their major meeting place, they are nomads and therefore they can run into each other or meet each other anywhere all over the worlds, here more, there less, but sometimes not finding each other at all. They may be travelling in groups, or are single, but when they meet they celebrate the occasion. They love a good party. They are a sensual folk, love live and actually find always something they can celebrate. However, when they meet it serves also practical matters as they can exchange news, provide information and share tips and experiences that is helpful to them. There is plenty of things to talk about. They are often invited to other people’s festivities, because to have them around is always interesting. They can be perceived as ‘exotic’, ‘easy going’, ‘charming’. The downside is that they may get a reputation of being carefree, too carefree may be and indeed amoral. To know about other Sozieternas’ encounters with strangers is therefore very helpful indeed.

It may happen that Sozieternas live isolated from their own in a foreign community, or they are on a journey where they cannot meet. They mingle then with the strangers and may form relationships, even procreate. Tina’s child is the offspring of one of such relationships. Femina knew about it and was convinced it was the wrong thing to do. She warned her friend: ‘Don’t fall for him! You are so totally different! It will only bring you heartache and problems!’ Sadly she was right. On the other hand, not only are Sozieternas different to other people, so is every human being different from one another. She had really no right to interfere. It is just the old notion of wanting to protect a loved one from harm, to no effect of course.

It is worthwhile to mention in that context of being different to others, Sozieternas are peaceful people. They know war only by watching others making them. That does not imply that they are puny, weak and unable to fight. The opposite is more to the mark. They are physically and mentally very strong people. They take care of their body and their mind. In fact, they are generally attractive. Amongst them you find absolute beauties and indeed perfected beings in any aspect of their life. They love everything beautiful; they have a sense for beauty. They see beauty everywhere, another cause for celebration. May be that is due to the fact that they have survived history for so long that they have reached  a state of sublimation. It suggests that they may have reached the state of decadence as well. Sozieternas are aware of it. They therefore avoid to indulge and don’t oppose intercultural relationships. The children usually remain in care of the Sozieterna partner should such a relationship resolve, but even the children are given the choice where they wish to be, particularly when they have reached the ability to make such choices.

It was already mentioned that Sozieternas have developed special attitudes, but they also have cultivated other abilities. These can arouse admiration on the one hand, but suspicion on the other, depending on the person who judges. In the worst case, Sozieternas may be subjected to persecution and even annihilation. The mentioned abilities are not unique to Sozieternas, though they have potentiated their genetic inscription by practicing and applying these skills on a daily basis. However, if they would not do so, eventually these could be reduced again to the basic inheritance, just like a muscle atrophies if it does not get used. The major aspect of these skills is that they have become highly sensitive Seismographs. They can read people, particularly their body language, there emotional waves and mind sets. Another individual may find this highly desirable or it may provoke fear. Some may recognize it as beneficial for their purpose, others may find it detrimental, particularly if they have something to hide, be it only their own flawed character. Sozieternas believe it secures their self-protection good enough, but that depends on the circumstances they find themselves in. If they only have to deal with jealousy, envy or anxiety than the risk to come to any harm is low, but if they are confronted by others or governments as a whole who feel threatened in their core believes, it may be very dangerous indeed, if not deadly.

To add to these concerns, Sozieternas have profound strength and would not hesitate to demonstrate it if unable to retreat and that does not usually help a risky situation or their safety. This strength is grounded in their all encompassing SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS.

They don’t consider themselves as elite in the world’s social hierarchy, (others do), but as normal and no better than other living creatures of the cosmos, but this self-consciousness truly sets them apart from other societies and the majority of the world’s populations. Based on their ancestry, development and education, culminating in that self-consciousness it has brought them closest to the destination all strive for and any could ever be. It is exemplified in their own understanding of time and timekeeping. On their calendar it is the year 0. In year 0 the final destination is  SELFREALISATION or ENLIGHTENMENT.  In the year 2000 or any other for that matter, the final destination though desired is still clouded. The deprived minds have not been able to develop any further.  The results are evident: Humans fly to the moon, experience the vastness of the cosmos, but they have not found a way to themselves. To be conscious about one’s own self and be conscious about one’s being is identical and in the self lay all the answers.

The 3rd millennium sounds promising, doesn’t it?  SPACE-TIME-AGE.  Will that be good enough? Don’t bet on it! Time may run out, before humans realize the cat is chasing its own tail.

Due to apparent reasons Sozieternas have no problems with identification. They know themselves and recognize any of their own kind. To recognize others they   only need one sense, not five. For the senseless, they cannot readily locate Sozieternas which is appreciated very much, because Sozieternas really don’t like confrontations. They try to avoid conflict with others as good as they can. Besides, they have no missionary intent and know too well that admiration is not better than persecution and intelligence does not make up for lack of sensibility.

The benefit of living nomadic, amongst others shows there as well. Sozieternas are ready to leave any time, while others stagnate. They can leave anything behind because they don’t get attached. They have no fear to lose anything because they are not possessive. Their interest lay in the pleasure of live, not in its destruction.

Their zest to enjoy themselves has been pointed out already. An example of how colorful their get-togethers can be may be highlighted by their sense for gaiety and decorations. They love butterflies. When they meet in the tropics where these creatures are particularly numerous and colorful, they put them into their hair or on their shoulder and at the end of the festivity they let them fly on command. Sometimes that becomes a flutter orgy, sometimes it takes a while, because it seems that the butterflies enjoy their role as jewels and are not keen to leave.

There is much more to say about Sozieterna. But for now that should suffice. The reader may conclude that Sozieternas are hippies, gypsies or anarchists. It is left to his opinion. It is however necessary to emphasize, hardly any of the fundamental philosophical or theosophical aspects of Sozieterna have been raised, mainly for the reason not to get side-tracked to discussions that are better held somewhere else or left for another time.

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Gast Donnerstag, 13 März 2025
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Sozieterna liebt
fuer seine Geschaeftsethik und seine hochwertigen Produkte. Auch die Haut liebt sie und so tun Nase und Augen. Absolut emphehlenswert.