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About... Thoughts on 2021

Veröffentlicht von am in Special Posts

What is there to say other than 2021 was nothing but the continuation of the disaster of 2019. The only positive to acknowledge is that more people are waking up to the disgusting abuse of power that is committed by the politicians elected into government by the people who now have been sold out and endure the hardship pushed on them by their corrupt representatives and stalwart bureaucrats.
I said in the review on 2019 that ScoMo (Australia’s PM) would ruin the country because this guy was and is no person to entrust with power. And unfortunately, he demonstrated it perfectly without delay. He and his consorts concocted the treason on the public unashamedly, though he, in accordance to his character, is hiding behind the brazen fools and bullies of the states, who do his dirty work. Now he tries again to sweet talk himself back into the sympathy of the voters because the federal election is not far away.
Of course, the swamp of the state and federal governments needs to be drained, but I doubt the elections will bring the change. For one, there are the people who seem to relish in the swamp with their masters and they together will do anything to stay in power. Elections are easily rigged and who knows, with the emergency laws, some pushed through despite grave concerns for their flaws as thick as can be, elections can be delayed and interfered with by means not seen before, at least not in a democracy. But then again, democracy is already gone and though many people realizing that now, too many remain silent or do not even care.
There are no words to express my view on that matter entirely, but I can speak for all of us Sozieternas. As the eternal nation we are, we have seen this happening over and over again. We are truly back again in the times of witch-hunts and close to being burnt on the stakes or being gassed and hunted as it always happens when evil succeeds to the throne. And we are again the minority flagged as the enemy, the vermin, the loused and sick that bring others in danger of what not, getting infected, threatened by us or bugs we may transmit. We are again the criminals that do not deserve to live among law abiding citizens that follow their leaders without ever questioning them. We are the outcasts, the heretics, the enemy and we should be terminated, like the virus that never was the deadly bug as it was made out to be and does not want to go away.
Of course, we never give up to stand strong against tyranny, and of course there are the martyrs, the heroes, the victimised and the maimed amongst us and also the others being caught in the plot. But let us put it into perspective, this evil has been growing for a long time, slowly but surely and in disguise to fool the masses. Getting stronger and more obvious over the years until it got to be the monster as it is now, it never was hidden, just sly. The warnings of course that we raised were never taken seriously, as they always never are. And now, after evil has placed itself in all the key positions for optimal control, now the masses wake up. Still, not in big enough numbers, to eradicate the multiheaded toxin filled viper, which is not hunting for food but for all that stands in its way to achieve its goal of absolute control over any living creature.
Of course, this is indeed a battle of good and evil. But this one is nothing we have ever seen and will also never see again, because now we have a third player in it and no matter, if you understand or not the significance of it, it may be in the end the party that decides the outcome. I am talking about nature and our planet Earth, ravaged so badly that the ‘Point of No Return’ has been reached. It sure is the Apocalypse should Evil win and thank you, I would not like to hang around with them as my company, but it may also be a sad victory for the Good, in case it wins the battle after all.
However! Good and Evil are a construct of the mind and thus has significance here and there (this life and the afterlife), indeed, right up to the state that transcends conceptual thought. In fact, it is a reality of the mental/spiritual realm and the battles keep on going, even if Earth has gone and we humans have passed over.
It is time but we understand that these battles are useless, pointless and will never make sense to engage in, because they are a hopeless endeavour. Good and Bad has to live together, like it or not. Though Life can only exist in an equilibrium, meaning, it is a balancing act and must remain in the state of homeostasis. Both, good and evil, which are the positive and the negative forces in nature, are a prerequisite for existence, both are necessary for development. Remember the tadpole: it would never become a frog, if the pool it lives in was the perfect environment to sustain its life. It needs to be challenged to overcome the impurities to reach its full potential, which is being a frog.
Therefore, in every environment lies the good and the evil, but they have to remain within sustainable variations to foster life. If the equilibrium is tipped over to one or the other side it is incompatible with life and development. But! And herein lies the point: Evil should never be allowed to unfold its toxic heads. It must be kept under supervision in order to be constructive not destructive. It needs constant alertness, because it is by nature insidious to the point that it creeps up slowly. By the time it is noticed it is already hard to control and usually requires immediate intervention. If that is not done, radical surgery is warranted or, war becomes inevitable.
What does it mean for 2022? That depends on the people as a whole. They are the power because they outweigh the few who want to rule. It is simple physics. The mass is hard to get going, but when it does, it is a force to be reckoned with. And that is at present the only way to push evil back into the place where it belongs, that is into the role of a necessary partner, for the good of all, but never left unsupervised, and always guided to be something constructive overall. Spice of Life? It can be, if it does not get into the seat of power. So! Let us be strong and decisive and let us drain the rotten swamp and start all over again, with a bit more wisdom and care for each other and all that is Life. Hopefully it is not too late to bring the good back and help Nature do its repair.          

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