’s Affiliate Discussions and Professional Services (for body, mind and soul) is a members only service. It offers the opportunity to discuss freely topics of interest and Sozieterna's concepts and philosophical views, and it offers services such as consultations and treatments regarding health of body, mind and soul. Membership guarantees that any service given is according to professional standards and true to Sozieterna's principles. NO other sites or people can offer a Sozieterna intervention, despite claims or references to Sozieterna, as it has and can occur. That is the reason why protective measures had to be put in place for the clients' and Sozieterna's peace of mind. Other Sozieternas who wish to offer their expertise for treatments will only operate through the Affiliate link to keep it simple for all. Services on offer are for medical issues, mental health assessments and therapies, life coaching and improvements in areas of the above mentioned body, mind and soul.

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