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About.....2022 Reflections

Posted by on in General Ideas

Old year gone, new year in. Is anyone out there who liked 2022? Yes, there are a few. The already super rich got even richer and the goals, some of them pursue, seem to be going well. But the rest of the people are paying the prize, either with their health, their lives, the loss of loved ones, their businesses and/ or their mental health, or future.

Can there be anyone blamed for such a devastating year, which, by the way, is only one of three marked by devastation? From natural disasters to man made destruction, 2022 wraps it all up into one of the biggest painful years in human history recorded.

But it would be too easy to put the blame on one or a few people, though of course, we know them and they are guilty as hell. The rich, the powerful, the corrupt, the evil-minded souls among us, they sure used all tools available to achieve their goals, which is domination over others. And they sure abused the innocent, manipulated the weak and ignorant and, indeed, the already brainwashed poorly educated. But what is with the rest of the intelligent and knowledgeable? Sadly, too many caved in under the pressure, the threads, exerted on us all, and, due to their weakness of character and lack of mental resilience, they were and still are consumed by anxiety and fear. But let us face it, laziness, and pretend concern for their loved ones, were used too, to rationalize their submission. The bitter truth is that nobody of a sound mind could mistake true love, for what or whomever, for the easy way out of an indeed challenging situation. Love in fact brings all together, particularly in times of great need. It unites to stand strong against wilful suppression by tyrants, who want to abolish freedom and humanity.

What it boils down to is that humans are herd animals. They depend on a leader, for good or worse. History shows us humans never learn because they prefer to let leaders act on their behalf and decide, what is the way to go. This is most likely due to poor average intelligence and reluctance to take responsibility for their own actions, which requires physical and mental strength most do not have. If they had it, too many would actually claim leadership themselves. Therein lies the lust for power being personalized in the role of a leader. But knowing their limitations, humans find solace within the herd, follow the leader and, take it for granted that his decisions are for the best.

To be fair, this is not all there is to say about the human condition. Besides! Physical and mental evolution has brought changes, which even the most powerful leaders cannot control. Humans are no longer mentally at the same level than they were, when they started to walk upright and use tools. Though it still applies that their strength lies in numbers, leaders are no longer of the same necessity than they once were. In fact, many humans have learned to do better without them. But, in modern societies, one cannot do everything and all as a sole trader. The better option is to delegate duties for the common good, thus empowering individuals, which spells troubles since power is now up for grabs. However, some things still stand firm: Safety and security. They rank high on the agenda, as protection against enemies, and as much for individual survival itself. Therefore, to hold communities and societies together, moral concepts became the glue to bind them. Unfortunately, there is the problem of the pervasive thread of good and evil that is part of our existence since we live in a dipolar world.

Throughout the recent horror years, the mentioning of a spiritual war, the war between good and evil, has become quite common. A friend said to me, morals, or indeed, good and evil are only a fabric of the human mind. Of course, so it is when looking at the issue as a detail of existence, in this case humans. But it is not when you look at it in the overarching universal scheme of cosmic proportion. Good and evil are part of existence itself and you need not to be a religious person who believes in God and Devil. The creation of our world as we know it, is based on electro-magnetic forces, hence it is a bi-polar world and, life can only exist within a small range midway between their interactions. If life strays to one or the other side too much, it cannot be sustained, nor prosper. What this means should be clear: Good and Evil are forces that work together but will always have to struggle to coexist. We know how hard it is to keep peace, not just externally but internally too. Every human fights his own demons and we all long for peace.

So let us conclude! If there is anything good coming out of the horrible year(s), is at least the revelation that good and evil coexist for the purpose of creation, and neither can be defeated, or creation will be thwarted. Never the less, evil has to be put into its place, and always watched to prevent it from turning destructive. We already see what it does to our small human world. Mind you! The cosmos can do without us, but to have come in our evolution so far as we have, it is a shame to throw it all away before we truly can reach our destination, which sure is not AI (artificial intelligence). What really is needed now more than ever, is a meaningful, loving and caring society, using intelligence to foster all life, not just some lives, as the ill guided “elites and globalists” want. I have no wish to pardon them for what they do. But equally have I no wish to excuse the many others either, particularly the ones who are capable of understanding the emergency we all face as far as the future of us and life of this planet goes. They are as guilty. We all are in fact, for the warning was there for a long time and we did nothing about it.

The reflection on the past year is not meant to go into the specific problems we are confronted with, too many they are, nor the pain that has come with it, too deep it goes. But hopefully 2022 was the turning point and has set the direction for 2023. Which way that will be, only time will tell. Let us hope for the best and join together to restore balance and make this world truly a place where all can live in harmony, to the benefit of all creatures, big and small.

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