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ABOUT.......Reflecting thoughts on 24 past and 25 now

Posted by on in Special Posts


As I anticipated at the beginning of 24, the year would allow people to breath better again after being subjected to the ordeals of the so-called pandemic, a period lasting for more or less 4 years; and though C is over, by no means is the agenda. Anyway! 24 a breather, 25 seems to offer something different, maybe some kind of renewal, or just a return to some normality. With a new president in the US a fresh wind is blowing, at least in their country. It was worthwhile to wait with the article’s publication for it may mean something positive for other countries too. This is of course wishful thinking, more likely is that things will get worse before anything good will happen.

Looking back before looking forward, 24 certainly was not a peaceful year, with many people living and dying in war ravaged countries. Nor was it a good year for people who felt the need, or were forced to take injections, erroneously believing it would eradicate a virus. They paid and pay dearly for their decision, becoming sick then, or suffer now from chronic illnesses and, many died suddenly or, are dying now. Death rates are high and loosing loved ones earlier than expected is common; and death has become a constant companion for the very young ones too. People choosing to take the injections did so for various reasons. Many people were coerced, but strictly speaking, they still agreed and volunteered. None of the reasons withstands critical judgement, not then and certainly not now as the scam unravels and the Deep State web is laid bare.

I do not intend to dim down my critique on the obedient masses to appease people, no matter how harsh some may find my views. After all, everybody had, and has the freedom to choose what he wants to do with his body and his life. Though I expected the majority of people to act reasonably, particularly in view of taking an experimental drug, and because no-one has the right to push their will on to others; I was mistaken. As for me, it did and does not sit well with me. Coercion is only one step away from physical abuse, which may come in form of forced internment, physical punishment, incarceration, even mental and physical torture. These are crimes, and sadly, happened too. But worse! The ones, not falling for, or going along with governmental propaganda and arbitrariness, opposing abuse of power, standing up for human rights and freedom, were shunned even by their fellow men, despite the fact that everyone’s rights were trampled on and that law and order was turned upside down. The intent was from the beginning the total destruction of everything as we know it, meticulously planned, executed, and still ongoing, more or less overt. Covid was the pistol shot to set it all in motion. But, as democracy was dying so grew the resistance, which in turn always forces tyranny to increase its efforts of control, ending in subjugation sooner than later.

Better to stop here before I am carried away by emotions, particularly since it is so easy to raise one’s suspicions that something in the governance of a country is going wrong. In fact, the following three signs should alarm people immediately: First up, if all media sings the same song, - it is propaganda. Secondly, if fear is used to steer people into a certain one-way direction, - it is a strategy of force, not a concern for safety. Thirdly, getting people to fight each other has the purpose to weaken their cohesion and keep them disorganised. And as always, when all three are implemented at once, it works a treat; and didn’t it? Thereafter, even the most ridiculous demands will no longer be questioned. Let us start with the claim that getting vaccinated would prevent another person from getting ill. Or, if everyone was vaccinated entire communities would be safe from that illness. It is utterly ridiculous, like using an umbrella to protect yourself from rain also protects automatically others too, and the ones without an umbrella, would make the ones under the umbrella getting wet. Is then the umbrella no protection after all? Or, if all had an umbrella, does it stop the rain? Besides! No virus was ever eradicated, neither were any infectious diseases. We coexist with viruses, bacteria, parasites! Only circumstances change and/or our immune defence may not be strong enough, to fight off the bug(s). Yes, there are man-made pathogens now concocted since humans interfere with nature, but this cannot be further discussed in this article, being too complex a topic requiring far too much time on its own. Back to the point made before, so many ridiculous, indeed utterly counterproductive orders followed one after the other, and people obeyed as if they were in a trance. Therefore, lame excuses from anyone who participated in the shameful tyranny are unacceptable. It does not bring healing to the injured, nor does it stop future problems of the same kind. Only facing the truth can ensure healing takes place and prevention occurs. Otherwise, the wounds will fester and the prognosis is uncertain, if not devastating, for both I must say.

Obviously, there is immense resistance from the irresponsible ‘apex perpetrators’ to be scrutinized, or even investigated over the event. I am afraid they took care of their spoils nicely, and it will be the taxpayer forging out the money for the damages they caused. But far more interesting is the fact that they squirm in anger, feeling more annoyed and enraged than anything else. They do not feel, nor will they admit guilt, definitely not in a court, and also not to themselves. There are two reasons as to why: Psychopaths have no remorse, and the mentally ill do not recognize their condition. Unfortunately, the worst offenders, past and present, suffer from one or the other condition, if not both. There is no way to heal them from their afflictions. They will never accept treatments since they don’t consider themselves as being sick in any way, and/or simply just don’t care. This kind of people are the most twisted and dangerous minds within the human species due to their warped sense of themselves and reality, and their intact thought processing and organised actions. It enables them to commit the most heinous crimes. They feed on and strive for power, seek control over others, and if not already in such a position, like kings, religious leaders, and the various tyrants we know from history, in contempory modern life, we find them in great numbers in all governments, institutions and, administrative systems of health-care, in the military, and commerce. Fortunately for us, and in comparison, the apex of evil offenders is a minority. They know that too, of course, meaning, they fear the masses. They will always prevent the common people from becoming aware of their collective power, which could topple tyrants from their thrones in no time.

Mind you, any mass is hard to move, which plays nicely into the perpetrators’ hands, and so does the biologically anchored herd mentality; serving us well in the past, it still influences our behaviour today. But we also have come a long way since, and though we still want leaders, they are no longer needed for the basic level of our survival because, no longer small and vulnerable tribes, we are now big herds, called civilizations. That warrants to delegate communal business to groups of people whose sole duty is to keep community matters running smoothly while everybody else can take care of their own commitments. There would be a lot more to discuss on the topic, but for the sake of not getting too far off track, let us briefly look at the role of modern leaders. In western societies they usually get elected by the public to lead a party of people that organize and manage communal needs, interests, and affairs. They still get challenged by competitors because considered as top jobs with perks and power, it attracts all kinds of people and plenty of shady characters. The public of course wants and expects to get the most capable and experienced. This is sadly no longer the case either, if it ever really was as communities developed. In fact, now it is the cunning, the sophisticated performer, the immoral, the scrupulous, the rich or famous, who are the most successful contenders, not the strong, the sound minded and experienced who really would care for the flock. Generally, modern leaders are, rightfully or not, admired and celebrated. They even get away with almost anything immoral. It has to be truly atrocious before the public takes notice and reacts. But the call for the “good” leader will get loud, when the herd feels confused, becomes distressed, threatened, or is chased openly by an enemy who literally is ready to bounce on them for the kill. Under such circumstance a strong leader is not just of great value, he is indeed a necessity. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with leadership, only with pretend leaders in corrupted systems.

The cracks in the fabric of western societies appeared long time ago, becoming increasingly noticeable over time, but only opening wide during the Covid years. To the detriment of the “Evil Brigade” I may add, though fortunate for us. Please note, I prefer “Evil Brigade” to “elite”, which has a positive connotation not applicable to predators who sacrifice lives for what they want to achieve. In fact, they created a whole apparatus, a fine-tuned and interconnected network, put well-trained dogs into all key positions that pave and safeguard the way to their ultimate goal of global control and world domination. Funny is that all attempts to establish a world empire failed. Though it looks far more promising now than ever before, it is also far more and actually outright dangerous because it could wipe out all life as we know it.

Ever wondered why a pyramid has such a timeless appeal and its image is used world-wide and throughout time, often through impressive and imposing monuments, leaving us quite mystified and spellbound? Well, it is a symbol of hierarchical order and speaks to us on a subliminal level with its configuration of apex, base, and the interlocking body in between. Pyramids solidify an ideological construct into matter by letting you experience the abstract with your senses, literally imprinting it into you physically by turning a mental image into something tangible that the brain stores in its archives. The pyramids of ancient times undeniably signify power by the ruling class, but were erected by workers and slaves. The underlying meaning and the intent, though on display, lie within. It is thus veiled, and lost for the crowd, but is kept well alive by the anointed. And think about where else you find the pyramid symbol. It is actually everywhere, as an emblem of secret societies, in arts, logos, prints, you name it, it is ever present. Cynically speaking, it fortifies a doctrine without being noticed. It suggests that the apex, the top, is a point of culmination, obviously closest to God, thus in line with Him, receiving His word and God given rights to throne and ruling as kings, in God’s place, if not as God descendants and Gods themselves. The symbol is brainwashing you and constantly reminds you of where your place is. It is far from the truth, of course. But it is manipulation at its best. Consequently, the apex as self-appointed rulers with ‘God given rights and power’, claims, all is theirs, to be used as they see fit, or decide.

The next layer, the middle body of the pyramid, ergo the middle class, is utilized as an ally, kept in line with rewards and accolades. They are the oil in the gear box and the mediating agent to the base of the pyramid, where the masses of the common folk labour. The working class, due to their sheer numbers, is purposefully left out of the wealth they create. They receive neither favours nor gratitude, are kept worrying about the future, theirs and their families. Existential fear prevents them asking inconvenient questions. But all, really all, are kept ignorant to the whole deceptive concept of pyramidal ideology. Only the very few at the top know and, guard it like the dragon guards his gold. Naturally, the apex is good in mind games and maintaining control. The mid-body is doing best in applying what is ordered and approved by the top, sticking to rules and ensuring smooth operations. The base of the pyramid is the beast of burden. They feed all, and, in their ignorance, they accept what filters down from above as their and only reality.

We all should know by now, reality is fact, not truth, and what we see and experience is not all that is. Most of us are still ignorant in discerning the difference. But left in the dark, on purpose or not, an intuitive feeling makes curious minds question the unknown. These minds drive the progress while the majority lives in ignorance, and fear of what could be hidden. The response is usually to take flight into religion. Only the curious, and the critically minded, continue to search for different or, better answers. Thank goodness for nature and its law, physics in short, because it cannot lie. In fact, it is the only thing reliable, telling and teaching us what is right and what is wrong, regardless if we like it or not. But remember! The ignorant and fools are easily conned, and scientists are humans! They too are flawed; only nature is not, (if you like God, here He is).

You may ask now, what has that to do with the year passed and the new in? A lot! Because we, the human species have to learn the lesson we avoided for a long time. First up, despite being individuals, we are interconnected with all that is, and, secondly, we are no longer herd animals that have to rely on leaders. We can still choose leaders, but we are our own master and must take responsibility into our own hands. We must understand that our success and progress depend on our integrity and that the society we live in is a mirror reflection of our collective all. Life as we know it is fragile and can only exist if we keep a balance between give and take. Our planet is our pantry. If we only take out but don’t replace, who is to blame when the shelves are empty? Globally speaking, there is no shortage in supplies because there are too many eaters. Earth offers plenty for all, we just need to manage things better than we have done so far. It definitely is not what the “Evil Brigade” wants it to be. Nevertheless, the change we have to make is huge. It is comparable to a quantum leap. But aren’t we the crown of creation? Why should we not be able to make that leap? Well, 25 looks to be the very year that will determine the way we go.

I suggest, we look in the mirror and reflect deeply on what we see. It may reveal everything, but remember, as a superficial image it can be a façade that hides the human being in its entirety behind it. Therefore, if you want to be sure, better look beyond, gaze inwards; the mirror won’t do because it may distract you. How deep we have to look to find our essence depends on us, the individual. For some people their mirror image is enough to rate/judge themselves, mostly because they value their appearance. Others want more. They want to be valued as a person, but they may actually only value their ‘Persona’, which serves as a means of presenting oneself to the outside world. It is still only an incomplete image of the human behind. Both foster dependency on others’ opinions, perpetuating insecurity about oneself. However! As remarkable as images can be, there is indeed more to us than imagery. That is what I am talking about: We need utmost clarity of what and who we are and, what we want to achieve and become! We truly are and must be our own judge, nobody else is or should be it. We are required to face the truth, not because somebody else tells us, because it is our responsibility we have to ourself. No shying away from shortcomings, no excuses, nor blaming others. We must be willing to change, be relentless to tear down our walls of defensiveness. This is for our own sake! And you will be amazed about the ripple effect it has, on all and everything around you, and is at stake right now. Sure, it is a huge challenge, but most rewarding and, truly important. You may disagree and find my statements undue and ridiculous. Sorry, if you don’t consider yourself that important, because you are. Just remember the flap of a butterfly at one side of the world causing havoc on the other, and, a sand corn, a drop, all single tiny units that form beaches, deserts and oceans. We the tiny bits are contributors and make up the powerful whole. You, the true self, carries the responsibility of what the whole represents, how it acts and reacts.

2025 will be a most challenging year, and yes, it will make or break us. Our innermost being, the core and anima that drives us to evolve, will extinguish, unless we pay attention and act now. The current threat to our existence has to be our priority, otherwise we deserve to die out. And you/me, the tiny bits, are at the heart of the necessary changes. Sure, it is utmost upsetting and frustrating to see what others do or don’t do. More often than not do I want to throw in the towel, overwhelmed by the masses who do not come along or want to save themselves, nor understand the precarious situation, but sadly, insisting to change others is a waste of time. You, and only you, can change and the world around you will change too. You may wish, the change goes the way you want it to be. Don’t we all? But sorry again, the changes you/me want to see, may not be what our true self concerns itself with. Will and desire are not necessarily bringing the change our true spirit seeks as it may only be the same track we have been on. Truth is therefore imperative. Did I say Quantum Leap? It sure is, like it or not!

You may think this is too absurd. But consider! How can you explain that a few predators are allowed to tear down the world we all live in? Because they own everything, can do as they please? No, they own nothing just like you and me. They just took possession under false pretences. But it is in agreement with the masses, who admire the privileged, the life they live and the power they have. They want the same things, and accept that as the “less talented”, the “not chosen ones” it is their duty to maintain the system according to law and order, and that privileges, indeed a good life must be earned, or is granted as a reward for hard work, or given by various other means. Or, how can you explain that a few crazed egomaniacs get away with atrocious crimes without being held accountable for what they do? Right! They own everything. Including you? Of course not! It is due to handing over one’s responsibilities to others, thus giving away one’s independence and freedom. Well, I call that absurd, even if you don’t.However! Change is on the way, and no-one can avoid or escape it. The point I make is, regardless if we do or don’t understand, who we really are, (a topic not further explored here), with nature doing what humans apparently can’t, we better learn fast before our time is up.

The public, a sleeping lion, began to growl a bit in recent years. He keeps tapping his tail but 24 was rather quiet, meaning he is still too sleepy for a roar. Besides, he got fed poison to weaken him and that keeps him subdued. The “Evil Brigade” is currently regrouping, content how things are. Their best tools are deception and lies anyway and though it seems that not all goes well with the “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, to assume that this lot is worried about a few hiccups in the way, is grossly mistaken.

Why bother, you may ask, when a new world order is upon us anyway? The old obviously did not work out and with technology at our fingertip we must adjust and make the sacrifices to guarantee human’s future. What kind of future, I wonder? And do we really need to kill off the old life, to accommodate something new? For me it is a clear NO! It does not just bother me; I find it outrageous that adjustments and progress should mean men-made destruction and death on a scale never seen before. At least not that we know, or have evidence of. However! We knew of the “Evil Brigade’s” plans all along, because they were never really hidden, camouflaged yes, being packed in candy and glittering cloths, or not taken seriously enough. We did not bother to look behind the glossy surface, meaning, the lion went freely into a comfortable cage where there was plenty of food. With a full belly and lazy by nature he would fall asleep more often than not. It worked a treat because there was no sign of danger, no need for vigilance, no indication that this was a trap. Too bad! Now it is his own fault should he awake and realize, he does not get fed and cannot leave.

Don’t get me wrong! I was blind too, believing that evil would never gain control over the good, only to realize how quickly it could be done. I was and still am stunned to see humans losing the plot, and how easy it was just by using herd mentality to destroy the biggest of herds. Do humans consider themselves above animals? Obviously, they do, but they aren’t. In fact, humans only think they are better than them, which is a moral/intellectual judgment, not biologically grounded and, by no means accurate either. What we call progress includes ‘to be above’ animals. It is based on faulty conclusions and misconception of facts, in which the symbol of the pyramid has its roots and lost none of its power since. Anyway! To be fair for argument’s sake, there is no longer a need for (too many) humans, nor animals. Most work can be done by robots, and AI control guarantees smooth operations. That, of course, requires incredible much energy. But so do humans, and in contrast to AI, they are far too unpredictable, unreliable, too challenging and, ask too many inconvenient questions. To get rid of them as the “useless eaters” is thus the best way to go, and with modern technology the surviving rest can be used as a commodity because they are now “hackable animals”, while animals are not even considered in this dystopian world view since they have always been voiceless and expandible, dominated by humans. There is no need to keep them for anything, not even as pets. All world problems solved, right? And the “Evil Brigade” got what they always wanted, to erect “God’s kingdom on Earth”.

Never mind! The “Evil Brigade” is in for a lesson too: Taking the jinni out of the bottle, and having no idea how to get it back in is not the best decision to make. And! There is no God given power that will save them from having claimed His place. So, what do they expect AI will do for them? Offering eternal life, insight, wisdom, ultimate power, all of it? That is truly funny because what they really get is life in cyberspace, “virtual reality”, and the realisation, what ultimate power means, and what life and evolution is about. It will not make them powerful, instead, it will cut them down to the poor creatures they are. They sure will find out what life in hell means and they will not even have to die to find out. Ah, there is no life after death? That is what they think and is exactly the reason why they want to live forever here on Mother Earth. Hm! What do you call a human being without a physical body? A ghost! I wonder if it is so desirable to exist in a virtual reality with no actual body and that for an eternity, or at least until the machine that keeps you alive has outlived itself too. I think that is funny, or maybe it is ‘Schadenfreude’, because their evil mind stays with them, (except they can redeem themselves). Evil does not need a body. It is part of the universal concept of this our existence, the dipolar world, and it is our choice if we let it control us. Really! Why is the human species, the ‘crown of creation’ so keen on and so likely to fail? The answer is simple: Intelligence without love is counterproductive and will eventually self-destruct.

To summarise 24 in short: It was a brief relief from action on the open battle ground, but little progress has been made to stop the war. To correct the course of human species’ genocide requires lateral not just linear thinking, which has led us to where we are.

Now let us speculate a little what 25 may have in store for us. Mr. Trump has work to do as he said in an admirable inauguration speech. His journey into the White House for the second time was indeed an outstanding example of what determination means. He has plenty of it and may achieve most of what he promises, if he is not cut short, like others before him. It was sure amusing to watch the outgoing party as they sat stony faced in their places. Compared to the incoming new crew they looked exactly what they are, shrivelled creatures of the dark side of life. Anyway, it is easy to get swept up in a well organised ceremonial show, but the positive energy beaming from Trump’s side was undeniably strong. I wish him well for pulling the emergency brake, but let us see, what he will accomplish, and though I acknowledge his good will and his vision of a happy future for mankind, it is not the change we have to make.

As far as life on our planet is concerned, there will be no mercy in the next onslaught for world power. The WHO is already waiting for the green light to go ahead, with its IHD on board. The only hope for humans to survive the planetary cleansing process is to understand that nature is driving it, not humans. What the outcome will look like is anyone’s guess. But a cleansing process it is, because nature cannot be controlled despite the few delusional minds believing they can. They do not realize that being part of nature makes them to tools, never to master. To believe with AI they are in charge, only shows what fools they are.

You want to know the secret of the universe? Sure! But what good is it when AI is telling you? There is no difference between believing in God or AI, both are an external source and believing is not knowing the (ultimate) truth. Whom do you trust more, God or AI? Well, that is a personal choice, I say! But it sure is not a revelation when you have to rely on a believe, or, when you have to think about it. Revelation is experienced realization; it is a matter of fact. It is insight, not what anyone/anything tells you, or what you think is true. Thinking stops right there where fact is present, because now it just is, the unquestionable knowing. As a hybrid, a transhuman, a cyborg or, whatever the dystopian future may offer you to be, you have not shed ignorance, only gained another dimensional reality. That is not realization, not revelation. Thus, the game is far from over in searching for the truth.

Fortunately, nature takes care of evolution to go on, with or without us, because that is the point of evolution, self-realization. If you like, God is there. He certainly is not in an ‘AI cloud’. Therefore, if our species does not succeed, another life form will have the chance to evolve with more life enhancing qualities than we have cared for to cultivate. And it does not have to be on this planet either. I find that comforting, though sadly, plain sailing it can never be, not until truth is finally realized. Of course, even in tumultuous 25, individuals can always reach that final goal, called enlightenment. Mind you, the same applies to the “Evil Brigade”. More likely than not, it will hit them like a bolt of lightning. What it means to them and what they do with it, is rather to their detriment. I am just glad not to be in their shoes. Not that I care about their fate, but I care about them seizing global control, being to all else’s pain and causing destruction now, not later.

Can 25 have a better prognosis than the conclusions suggest? Hm! That depends on our willingness to act upon the threat, despite that far too many still do not understand what is at stake. Generally, change in any population is driven by a third of it, big enough a size to set the stagnant, dazed, or even shocked majority into motion. Many will budge as long as they can for whatever reason that may be, but the aware third knows that pulling the emergency breaks must go hand in hand with coordinated and organized action, to clear the grounds, mend the damage done and, begin to work towards long term solutions. Without these steps the momentum within the unsettled crowd either ends in chaos or will simply fizzle out.

The necessary reformative process requires patience because individual and societal changes do not happen overnight. Though they are crucial, time can be a limiting factor to its overall success. Initially, any change can prevent the worst from happening but the emphasis must lie on individual change for long term and lasting solutions. Starting with taking responsibility for one’s own actions and taking pride in the work one has to do, will strengthen us individually and, consequently, it changes our community and society from within, building resilience and, enforcing societal cohesion so necessary to keep pretend leaders from asserting power they don’t deserve. Having been indoctrinated for so long with aberrations of truth, people need a ‘boot camp’ education, particularly on their rights, jurisdictions, bureaucratic/political systems and administrative institutions of their country, to raise awareness against abuse and corruption within their community and keep a watchful eye on their elected politicians to ensure they do their duty according to the will and interest of the people. Each of us must learn to be assertive, recognize our own weaknesses and watch out for the tentacles of evil intentions, intervening immediately because misunderstood tolerance only allows it to grow. That also includes to be mindful not to propagate a dobbing-in culture which has nothing in common with “doing the right thing”.

Children are of course a deep concern. They need unconditionally all our protection from the clutches of evil-minded creatures who stop at nothing to prey on them. That includes the education system, which must be freed from the schemers, who insist on teaching and training the students in operational skills only, rather than promoting creativity too, which strengthens self-reliance and critical thought, thus preventing students to become tools themselves, which later down the track, can be used, abused and, treated like fools because they don’t know better than finding their value in serving the system, not in being a valuable human being on all levels of their life. What a heinous way to turn folks into slaves without hardly anyone noticing!

Another area of change warranting urgent review is our attitude towards animals and environment. Animals are not disposable goods. They are creatures with the same qualities we have in order to survive. We all depend on them as good as we depend on a healthy environment. We are interdependent and connected with all that is. There is a big difference in using something, or exploiting and abusing it. Taking without giving is counterproductive and unsustainable. But tell that the evil lot! “Make the world subservient” apparently God said. I definitely doubt it. A supposedly all loving God would never make such an abhorrent statement. Only people with vested interests do. Just to prevent any misconception: Though I am speaking “green language” right now, no “green fanatic” has my sympathy. Neither do I support any radical ideas and actions of any kind. Nor have the “Evil Brigade’s” green ideas and strategies my consent. They are nothing more than self-serving interests. To work with nature is important, but not the way the prevalent “green agenda” is pushed down our throat. In my opinion, they have weaponised the issue with so much obvious hypocrisy that their intentions are laid bare: There is no smell of flowers, only foul-smelling air.

It is easy to recognize evil. Just look at people’s attitude towards life, in all its forms I must add. Occupying the apex of the man-made social pyramid does not make any of them to owners, rulers or leaders. Some may try to sell themselves as benevolent leaders, but leaders are never rulers. They are guides, indeed to the benefit of all.

Anyway, to aim for a ‘New World Order’ is not really a problem. It is just a process of natural necessity that signifies the end of something outlived and the introduction of something more useful for current and future times. But! It is not what some want it to be and that at all cost. It is something that needs to occur, insightful and caringly, in order to ensure life can continue to unfold. It must never be detrimental to life that is.

So! Let us be hopeful that 2025 is the turning point that puts the tracks right for life to continue and flourish. Our beautiful blue planet deserves to be nurtured the best we can. El Dorado, Shangri-La can be achieved; yes, with ups and downs to get there. By disregarding nature, it will take us longer and we may not succeed. But we certainly never will with the “Evil Brigade” at the helm. That is a given!

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