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THEMA: Mothersday

Mothersday 10 Monate 1 Tag her #595

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 356
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Usually I would not make an entry for Mothersday because I consider every day is Mothersday. But this one falls on a date of emotional significance for me. I wish every mother the respect and love of their children and may all have a great day, but what is with the other days of the year? Do mothers get the same appreciation, the same attention, with the fuss that has been unfortunately commercionalised? Naturally, not all mothers are the same and mothers have flaws too. But what does it mean to be a good mother anyway? Well, I think of mine, - she was the best, meaning, she was always there for me, caring, loving, putting my needs before hers, sacrificing more of her life than she actually ought to, but never could I blame her for it nor her flaws. Nor can I claim that I always repaid her the way she deserved it. Too often did I hurt her. Still, her unconditional love never was withdrawn, or faded. Maybe not every mother has the capacity to love that way. The bad, the mean, the cold hearted mothers do after all exist, though I am very sure these mothers never experienced good mothering themselves. Or maybe some are physically and mentally challenged and therefore unable to give their children the care they need, let alone the special love that makes them flourish like plants in good soil and with plentiful rain.
But let us expand our gratitude to a good mother that not many consider as being a mother to us all. I am talking about Mother Earth. How do we treat her? She is ravished, exploited with no regard for what she does for us. She, who gives us life, nourishes us, spoils us, astonisches us in all her beauty and forgiving patience, she suffers badly and still does not complain until she can no longer withstand the abuse. So she bears the scars and keeps mending the wounds all by herself, but by losing her vitality she reminds us that if she dies so do we. And do not get me wrong here, the globalists offer no solution. They do not care for Mother Earth. Their attitudes, their actions, their plans show no love for her. They only seek power to controll what she can give without respect and definitely without any love for her or any life. Power without love is destructive. We can see it if we just would look around us. Therefor let us face the truth what Mothersday means. Then let us celebrate it everyday, in the true meaning of gratitude every good mother deserves..
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