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THEMA: Since many others are now talking.....

Since many others are now talking..... 1 Jahr 3 Monate her #589

  • femina
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....I can stop repeating myself what I have done now for a long time. Obviously, only by repetition can one learn and memorise, whatever that may be. It is exactly what the other side, the enemy in this case, does too. Called propaganda, the public got flooded with it. Mind you, the media is far more efficient and effective than I could ever be, the humble human, typing away in my home at my desk, not knowing, if anyone actually even pays attention to what I say.
It sure is a releaf to let others talk and discuss recent (and past) events taking place all over our world because I am so over it. But! My step back comes with a warning: Talking is no longer, and definitely not enough, to stop the run-away train heading into disaster. There are no brakes anymore that work. Now you must jump off the moving train, the sooner the better since some winding and difficult sections lie ahead. It offers the opportunity for at least some to get off this train. However, many will not make it because they are too sick, too old, to untrained and also too afraid to take the leap. Unfortunately, nobody will escape unscathed. But if you do not jump now, nobody can or will safe you. Can you not persuade the train driver to do something, you ask? No! There is no driver. The train is under remote control and the staff on board that has been kind of taking care of you, has no idea either that this is no normal train journey and no normal job they have signed up for. There is also security staff on board. They may or may not know the real reasons why they were needed there in the first place. The usual reason given would be to ensure everyone is safe from, hm, criminals, rowdies, terrorists, or whatever, because you and they are told, the world has become such a dangerous place and it is the government's and companies' duty, to keep everyone safe. Indeed, there are always irrational "elements" on board, disturbing others, if not worse. What motives they have is somewhat nebulous, but since passengers do not know how to defend themselves, security is a concern and the passengers gladly accept to be guarded. Sadly, not all is as it seems, or what is said or been told is correct. Deception is the most effective tool criminals employ to get what they want without anyone noticing the scam until it is too late. Deception is so successful that the trapped cannot even discern the seriousness of the situation. In fact, they hang on to the lies they are told, for various reasons however, siding with the perpetrator rather than the ones who kept their eyes open and their minds critical. Though everyone knows evil is cunning, but when facing it, there is no recognition. The consequence, of course, is disaster. So it is with the passengers on the train. They realize only slowly something being not right. And only slowly do they pay attention to the ones who tried to make them aware of the urgency to pull the emergency brakes. Initially, the unsuspecting crowd is against them, even calling on.security, who then may cuff, gag and lock the "troublemakers" up, since they follow orders. And all the while the train speeds up, precious time being lost. When after all facts become so overwhelming, the tide turns, but an unrependent lot, either out of poor denial, or complicity, remains foolhardy, insisting all was safe. Death by "accident" is probably the better solution for them than admitting guilt since they will never be able to justify their resistance to stop the train.
Unfortunately, the chance to survive is slim for all. But I say, Life is too precious. Only a fool would not want to sustain it and help it flourish. But only evil minds want to destroy Life, since Life cannot be controlled. The reason is that evil may have power, but Life is power, meaning, evil needs Life to even exist.
Letzte Änderung: 1 Jahr 3 Monate her von femina.
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