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THEMA: The bitter pill

The bitter pill 1 Jahr 6 Monate her #585

  • femina
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If you need a pill it says you suffer from something. But the pill may not solve your problem, rather adding more pain to the original one in form of bitterness, without the desired result you expected. That is what I just experienced. However! As the saying goes, bitter medicine is effective, maybe just not the way you hope, or believe it should. After all, it pushes you to seek the cause of your problem. Only then medicine will work, any medicine, even if it does not actually envolve taking a pill, or whatever is offered as a remedy. Hopefully, dear reader, my dis-ease is something you can relate to because it is quite common and known as the generell emotional distress one cannot endure long term. It is due to having no control over misgivings presented to you and you can do nothing to change it. It will wear you down to the point of exhaustion. Your body is telling you that it is aching all over and just wants rest and sleep despite you having to soldier on regardless. So you grab the bitter pill, and it does not help.The options are to search either for more effective medicine that numbs your pain or, you face the truth and then decide on the treatment you so desperately need. Mind you, it is not an easy task and many will need help to do exactly that. It means facing and dealing with the real cause of complaint and swallowing the most bitter pill but the most effective of all, called truth.
I discovered my remedy to the ongoing issues I suffer from, and yes it has no prospect of cure, but so be it. Focussing on the positive aspects that evey day offers, while letting the negative wash over me like a cold shower, it jumpstarts me into action for the purpose of strength building, mind stimulating and, soul nourishing, instead of succumbing to resignation, submission and self defeat. It certainly is true what the Dalai Lama said: Cherish your enemy! It is the adversarious that brings out the best in you. And did not Jesus say: Love thy enemy? Well, I may not love my enemies, but grateful to them I am, because they inspire me to improve myself. They actually let me shine brighter than I would without them for the darker they are, the more light shines within and trough me.
Yes, the sadness of a fleeting world is my personal struggle. To watch the destruction of a beautiful world is my pain. But to know, nothing can ever drag me into the darkness of the enemy who graves power instead life, is the most rewarding feeling a tired wanderer can have and it always follows after finding the truth within oneself. Therefore I have to correct the statement that truth is the bitter pill when in fact, finding the truth is. Once you found it there is no bitterness at all. It is freedom, which shines stronger than anything you know before you get there. Therefore, dear reader, never fear to swallow the bitter pill associated with truth, it is only a short lasting sensation. The result is the most mind boggling. It is liberation from stifling pain.
Letzte Änderung: 1 Jahr 6 Monate her von femina.
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