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THEMA: Crazy and Evil are not the same, but.....

Crazy and Evil are not the same, but..... 2 Jahre 1 Monat her #573

  • femina
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....both can work together and that makes it lethal. How to differentiate the two is sometimes also quite difficult. How can you, when both do the same thing, though their motivation is different? One cannot know what is what without proper assessment and solid investigation. Generelly, one has to rely on the most likely and assume it from the available facts. For example, is it crazy to follow evil minds? Or are the evil minded just crazy themselves? Is it crazy to believe the evil minded, or are these believers and followers just evil too? Most likely the majority is plain ignorant, mentally challenged or just too lazy to bother, but many are evil and crazy, outweighing the just stupid and low average intelligent. In the end, it does not matter. The momentum of stopping evil minds ruining this beautiful planet and aiming to control what is left, has long passed. Now things will go as they must and there is no emergency break anymore. The warnings and alarms were and still are deliberately silenced or just plainly not taken seriously. The ones with intact critical thought are sidelined, ridiculed and threatened with jail or worse, though it is pretty obvious to what end it leads. Evil has the stronghold and the masses have no insight. In fact, they seem to be happy to get harmed, harm themselves, go to war and cheer the money elite as if they were gods. Is there really no remedy to prevent the worst? Sadly there isn't! Don't fool yourself to believe there is, you only prolong your pain. It does not mean you must give up to educate the ones open to change, but now it is for your own sake, because even if you believe there is no life after death, dying is far more easy without being plagued by guilt or knowing that you have wasted your life. You are born naked, you leave naked, but before you go, you have to face yourself. You are the final judge, never mind God or Karma, facing yourself is the hardest thing to do, while alive and more so at death. Psychopaths may find it a bit easier, since the lack conscience and do not care for anyone, nor anything, but they too cannot avoid the confrontation with themselves and the uncertainty that comes with the unknown.
You may ask, how I can be so certain about our demise and that of our planet. Well, it is logical, based on symptoms and signs, the diagnosis is simple. Naturally, nothing is impossible and I admit, the absolut itself is relative in the world as we know it, but the chances to be wrong are negligable. However! They are a bonus and something I personally appreciate. It is one more reason, and a good reason at that, to continue to shine the light on truth and assist all who struggle. After all, doing the sensible, or doing the good, makes my life and my death meaningful, and happy indeed.
Letzte Änderung: 2 Jahre 1 Monat her von femina.
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