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THEMA: And the winners are......

And the winners are...... 4 Jahre 1 Woche her #424

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 347
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….sorry, not you folks. You are the losers big time. Now you have been brought down on your knees, wondering how you can feed your family and, whatever you have achieved is crumbling away right under your nose, you still don't get. You are and have been blind, actually you did not want to see and you still don't, how others spend your money. But you will be so glad to get any income, you will crawl to the government and bow and thank it for the mercy it shows to give you work again, so you know you and your family can survive, for now, at least. So the winners are the coal, gas and oil industry, all the lackies and cronies serving the powerful stakeholders behind the scene. They will sure show their appreciation of having support from the government. It serves both sides, them for their own profits and the political puppets who need to make up for their big spending. Never mind, that your kids face a sad future. You did your best, or so you think. Have you not read the papers where the opening of business in the traditional industries already make headline with new projects big time? Ah, may be not as big, and actually you don't read this section anyway because you don't really care what is going on. Climate change? Not a problem. You just want food on your table to shut up the hungry young. Why would you care about intricate power plays or letting the rich become reacher as long as you can live in the illusion that you do your duty providing a new generations that will carry on feeding the rich and their helpers as good as you do. Never mind that your offspring has nothing to look forward to. You will be dead by then, not from COV19, just dead from other natural causes. I am truly sad but at the same time angry about so much stupidity but also quite detached, because really, death is part of life and the universe is big. What is born dies, here and there. And there is my optimism that when there is night, there is day, somewhere anyway.
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