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THEMA: An expensive pleasure,

An expensive pleasure, 4 Jahre 2 Monate her #400

  • femina
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but well earned and definitely worth every cent of it. Remember? I wrote about cheating neighbours in my blog "micro cosmos - macro cosmos", learning about their true nature, after successfully wearing sheepskin but being indeed wolves. Yes it was upsetting, but feelings pass. And yes, it cost me a good deal of money too. Actually! I did not find them out! They revealed themselves to me, unable to keep up the charade when they smelt a prey being trapped (me), with no chance to escape. Well, I survived und the money is well spent, because the truth is no longer hidden, preventing me from more and may be worse harm, which these scoundrels would sure inflict on me, if they saw an opportunity. And mind you, I forgive any wolf who needs his skills for survival, I could never blame a beast making sure it has something to eat. But these people are not intelligent wolves, they are just that kind of human beings, who contribute to the demise of whatever is good. In my case, they sacrificed a rather nice neighbourhood. For what? Just to make a profit, get something for free. And why? Due to greed, and deceit, a convenient tool. None of them is starving, in fact, quite the opposite. Anyway! I have gained pleasure, because now they cringe when they see me and try hard to avoid me, which is not always possible. So they cast down their eyes when directly confronted, turning their back and shuffling off as quickly as possible. I even heard one of them attempting to justify their despicable act of ripping me off by grabbing hold of a person who circumstantially became an involuntary witness to their act. I overheard the conversation, the cheat not realizing that I was actually close by and could listen in.
Naturally, the saga is not yet finished because I believe, to let people carry on being destructive is counterproductive, for them, for me, for all that is. I may not get my money back, not even by legal means, having all too often learnt that justice is not served in court. But at least I can say I try my best to make this world a better place. And I can giggle at downcast eyes and be happy in my skin.
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