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THEMA: Laziness, an other culprit.

Laziness, an other culprit. 4 Jahre 4 Monate her #360

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 347
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How come that a government governs against people's will after being elected by them? Why putting up with politicians promising you the world but after gaining your vote and in power forget who got them into their seat in the first place? Sydney covered in smoke and a prime minister still denying climate change, pushing ahead with deals that will increase the devastation not only for the locals but on a global scale as well ? How does that not cause a public outcry?
The answer is as usual very simple. It is pure laziness. Comfortable individuals put up with everything as long as their comfort is not disturbed. Leaving important business decisions to others is never a good idea and no intelligent business owner will make such a mistake, but the public seems to be quite happy with just that.
Government business is different to private business you say? No, it is not! In a democracy the power lies with the people, not the elected representatives. Your country is your business. Politicians are no more than employees that have to do a job, namely one, you, the business owner wants to have done to the benefit and interests of your country. You don't pay them to get fat and make decisions that will damage your livelihood, or do you? Except you don't want to run your business (or country), but rather leave it up to the executives of your choice to bring you an income without you having to lift a finger, giving them a great salary and as long as your income is at least satisfactory you don't care what they do. That may be okay for a while, but it will never serve you in the long run. To exchange the executives if they don't bring the result you are after, meaning a comfortable life, will not make any difference, because you have to stay in control of your business and fire the executives when they prove to be incapable, irresponsible, self-indulgent, careless and plain manipulative, pretending to look after your interests while stuffing their pockets at your expense. You will lose your business, deservedly so, won't you agree? And it would be due to your own laziness and may be to a certain extent ignorance, but it certainly would not be due to a lack of intelligence. Leaving your business in the hands of your employees, handing over your responsibility to them, is laziness, or plain stupidity, wouldn't you agree? Trusting in their good qualities is one thing but to hand over responsibility is another. To be and remain assertive, clear about what you pay them for and that they do fulfil their duties the way they should, is your responsibility. There is no excuse for letting that go and then cry over what gets lost.
In fact and to no surprise, laziness is one of the deadly ' Seven Sins' and no better than greed, mentioned there too. But you don't have to believe in what the wise say. You can see the evidence all around you where these two lead to..
So! Taking care of your business, governing your country, is your business. If you or a government thinks otherwise you do not live in or have a democracy. You have what is being played out right in front of us, authoritarian states, gagging, teargassing, jailing, if not killing 'dissidents', who dare to protest and not conform to their rules.
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