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THEMA: A little prayer

A little prayer 4 Jahre 8 Monate her #335

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 347
  • Dank erhalten: -1
  • Karma: -1
Lord Shiva please come and dance with me because alone I cannot. My feet are dragging, too heavy from all the decay that lies on Mother Earth and my breath has not enough air to sustain me dancing. Fire clouds take away what my lungs need to let me dance. I ask you to please lift me up above the devastation. I need you to let me look into your eyes, where I can see your smile and where I can feel your heartbeat that keeps me alive. Help me forget my tears not quenching the pain that lies beneath and in me! Humm into my ears the song of life that I love so much! Too much, you say? Yes indeed! I need to let go! But I need to let go of you too, isn't it? Strange it is! Now I see! I can dance without you, because there is really nothing to tie me down. I can fly all on my own. Thank you, Lord Shiva! You are the best! But may I still have the next dance with you? There is no better dancer than you in this ballroom of a universe!
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