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THEMA: Sometimes it is really hard.....

Sometimes it is really hard..... 4 Jahre 9 Monate her #327

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 347
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….to walk away from people who confront you with their choice of blatant ignorance, stupidity and self-serving life goal ideations, intentions and actions. You know, even though they are just the simple mum and dad, a neighbour, a fellow citizen, having no special position in the hierarchy of your social environment, - with their egocentric views, their disregard for others or anything that does not please them or their desires, they literally are the hidden power that goes hand in hand with the publicly anointed ones. There is no chance to convince them, teach them, show them healthier alternatives that would not only serve them but everybody and all else. They are the self-deluded, living in a pathological denial of what they really are and represent and what their footprint on earth literally does. I just met two of these in a meeting that concerns itself with a coastal development issue. Undeniably, my anger was hard to contain, but I did after all, because the more energy I spend on a lost course the less energy is left to do something more constructive and hopefully more effective. Though I have to admit, to tame my fury is also consuming energy, more than I'd like it to be. However, for me it is a question of how to direct the blasting force set free by my emotion? Yes, I really would like to push my agenda, eradicate the opposing other because I know it to be morally sound, but knowing this would not bring me the result I truly desire, I guess, walking away, leave them be and channel my drive into something meaningful for me and my life journey makes indeed more sense. And with the amount of energy that my anger produces, it will be really worthwhile, something worthwhile for me, which will always be something beneficial for others too. That indeed makes me smile and get on with my life as good as I can manage it.
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