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THEMA: When criminal activity......

When criminal activity...... 4 Jahre 10 Monate her #320

  • femina
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….becomes the norm and so entrenched that normal behaviour is the exception then you have to ask yourself if you still have a chance to live a peaceful life. Nowadays, you cannot trust even the fruit you buy. It may be a healthy shiny apple on the surface, but what you got is rotten inside. In the past you may have accepted it as part of just bad luck, but now you buy a basket full of the sweet looking fruit, you find that the surface is never a sign of getting a good one and that actually all of them are no longer a fruit you can eat, let alone enjoy. You may complain and warn others to avoid a certain shop. But mind you, when your complaint and your warnings gets you into trouble, not the ones who sell the rotten stuff, you know, you can win no longer. Then law and order is in the hand of criminals who are ruthless in their pursuit of keeping up the deception and they will do anything to keep their power. They will kill off anyone and anything that does not suit their foul schemes. I look around and find myself in a landscape of devastation, where lying, cheating and blatant suppression and violence gets away with little or now consequences. Laws are just a joke and corruption is the new skill to make it big in a society of foul apples. Gotham it is and even if batman was alive, he has no chance to safe the world. However, there may not ever have been paradise after all, just a shiny apple, rotten inside. But someone had to be blamed for the deception and hungry Eva just was the easiest victim to let the real criminal off the hook. That's what the criminal does, let others suffer for his action without remorse and blame them for being so stupid for not looking further than the surface, while killing off the ones who do.
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