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THEMA: Election over, but......

Election over, but...... 4 Jahre 11 Monate her #317

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 347
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…..nothing will change, except some window dressing and unfortunately the bad will just turn to worse. And who is to blame? Nobody or everybody. How does the saying go? "Some need to learn the hard way". Too sad for the innocent, the powerless and creatures who have no voice to protest. Collateral damage? Yes, as in any war. Isn't ist rather funny that people worry about progress, income, jobs and who will look after them, when they are old and useless? There is plenty for everyone, but it will never be enough, for greed to look out only for oneself is hard wired into the human brain, being the animal instinct driving the survival battle. Though of course, humans have a choice now at this point of their evolution, but of course they rather gorge themselves to death as if there was no tomorrow. Who cares about the future of their own kind. When you are dead, you are dead. What is there to worry about! Let the next generation worry. Never mind, what they inherit! Human intelligence? Give me a break! They have not overcome their animal instincts and intelligence just made them the worst creature of them all. Luckily, nature will take care of it. Good riddance I say. And hopefully, next time round, it will be a better outcome, be it another election or the pick of the pack in the evolutionary ladder.
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