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THEMA: Climate change, not the worst.....

Climate change, not the worst..... 5 Jahre 4 Monate her #286

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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Since climate change cannot be longer denied by the self invested psychopaths of this world, there is something far worse that gets ignored by the same crowd and that is the emission rate which actually is the real threat. It will cause the extinction of human kind and the world as we know it. But blame it on the cows, as some seriously do and always deny that the man made industry is the cause, because it suits the psychopaths of our societies. They sit in decision making positions as good as their associates dance around the money wheel. Climate change is a consequence propelled by the emissions, but does the psychopath care? Of course not! That characterises the psychopath, he gives a dam about anything but his own interest. So now, he cannot deny that the climate is changing, but have you seen any real and absolute necessary actions to curb emissions? The opposite is happening and if anyone believes that intelligence will prevent the looming disaster, think again. It is human intelligence that got us to the point where we are. The only chance of salvation is love, compassion for life and care for everything. Intelligence needs to be coupled with love. Without it, nature will have to take its course and I relish the fact that no psychopath can wield her power, as much as he has tried.
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