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THEMA: Dealing with bureaucrats...

Dealing with bureaucrats... 5 Jahre 7 Monate her #233

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 347
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Nothing is more frustrating than having a bureaucrat treating you as if you were the imbecile not him. Seeing his (or her) indulgence in the power bestowed on them, by the position they hold and you pay for with your tax money, it sure stirs my fire. You know, that they are nothing more than simple people, more often than not far less educated, intelligent and likeable than you are, but you cannot succeed without their stamp of approval and, if they do wrong because they don't even know their jobs particularly well, don't like your face, or interpret their paragraphs as they may, it is you, who has to prove they are misusing these powers and, even then they continue to sit in their office chair and eat the cream of the coffee, their employer generously hands out, also with your tax money, of course. I say, thank you but no thanks, for I can fortunately leave your Eiffel Tower. Bureaucracy, bureaucrats have it your way and yield the power you think you have as a person, because you know as good as I, that you have no more clout than anyone else, including me. The difference between you and me is your delusion and my awareness, which sets us worlds apart. Though you may believe you got the better deal, I know, what you really want is what I have. So carry on, indulge in yourself as much as you like, but don't be surprised when you look into the mirror, that you don't like what you see.
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