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THEMA: Wondering about time?

Wondering about time? 6 Jahre 6 Tage her #229

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
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  • Beiträge: 351
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If you don't wonder about time, philosophers do and, of course, they do not reach a consensus because they are discussing opinions. One says time is fundamental, the other says time is relative. I always shake my head, how they still don't get it, trying to exclude instead to include. Like the scientists do, or at least they did with physics: Newton vs Einstein, Einstein vs Quantum physics. All their principles are correct in their own right, they are but also interdependent, existing together and being right. And so it is with time. Just think about it you philosophers high up your hierarchical ladder and your divide should finally come to an end, or show that only vanity or plain ignorance drives it rather than insight you claim to have.
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