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THEMA: Eating Insects

Eating Insects 5 Jahre 7 Monate her #227

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 347
  • Dank erhalten: -1
  • Karma: -1
A new fad? Doing something out of the ordinary? Need to eat insects? Well, all the same. It is a means to survive, so it seems. The preparation to deal with a starving planet is on its way because where we are heading to is eating the creepy crawlies. It will become a necessity. And then we will never run out of food? Don't count on it because genetic plant manipulation kills insects, not just repelling them, and that is just the beginning. So, not even insects can be taken for granted to remain a reliable food source. In fact, we are the insects. Devouring our planet until nothing is left, then dropping dead. That is our true nature. Human intelligence? Give me a break!
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