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THEMA: Introducing Femina

Introducing Femina 11 Jahre 6 Monate her #8

  • femina
  • feminas Avatar
  • Moderator
  • Beiträge: 356
  • Dank erhalten: -1
  • Karma: -1
Hello dear fellow Sozieternas, and friends!

I am Femina who will, at least for now, operate this website. I am so pleased to be able to offer this site to all of you, Sozieternas or not. It took a long time for it to happen and it was originally not even intended that way, because I know how reluctant Sozieternas are to come out of their shell, including myself. This is not because we are secretive for doubt-able reasons, it is rather due to the doubts we have that it helps our causes. Obviously I changed my mind. In fact, times have changed, and with it I believe Sozieternas have to make some adjustments too. I believe it has become necessary to work together, to form with the public a network of "like minded souls", if you like. There is too much suffering everywhere to be ignored. However, even if working on your own is what you wish to do, sometimes this can be lonesome and support may just be the thing you need. Though this site is meant particularly for my fellow Sozieternas, I have not put a specific Sozieterna colum to it yet with its own access but I will in future if it shows there is enough demand or good reason for it.. Meanwhile it may suffice that every Sozieternas can be issued a password to use the site freely and we take it from there. As I pointed out, Sozieternas can recognize each other easily, but the computer cannot, therefore such a password is required.

I know my fellow Sozieternas are most forgiving and none of them will hedge a grudge against me however they feel about my intentions and proposed changes, but for you who are new to anything Sozieterna, I would like to ask you to have patience with me.

I may not be readily available for personal discussions, I may not always blog as regularly as you might expect and I may not participate actively in Forum life, but I wish that you can enjoy what is offered and get involved as much as possible Therefore to all of you, welcome to Sozieterna!

Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 6 Monate her von femina.
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