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General Ideas


Veröffentlicht von am in General Ideas
Why talking about emotions? Because they are shaping our life and that of the society we live in. They are elusive, so unpredictable, at least that is what we think. We all have them, we are never without them, we all know what they do, in fact, they are essential to life as we know it. Some believe we can master them, may be, one better than the other, but they are there if we like it or not. We hardly ask why we have them particularly when we feel good, but when we feel miserable we do. So, do we really have control over them or do they rule over us?  Theorists still scratch their heads. None can claim their views are right, and it appears nobody is clear about what to make of them....

Veröffentlicht von am in General Ideas
  The word comes from the Latin frater, meaning brother, but fraternity or brotherhood as a synonym for fraternity is defined as a ‘body of people sharing a common interest or being associated for a common interest or for a common purpose’. It does not imply that they are related to each other nor that they have to be male, though many of the fraternities are for men only. As a political and social concept in France’s history, and used intermittently as a motto in the French Revolution, it had a rocky start. It took many theoretical discussions and to’s and fro’s before it was indeed included into the French constitution. Since, other nations have developed similar triads for their own foundations. The problem the French revolutionaries struggled with was that fraternity propagates communal thinking as...

Veröffentlicht von am in General Ideas
Freedom is one of Sozieterna’s social principles and it is constitutional. It means however more than the French connotation of Liberty, which was a political cry for freedom from an oppressive and overindulgent regime of the French monarchy. For Sozieternas freedom is a force and a state, meaning it has dual propensities. It also means one has a purpose, the other one is. Sozieternas utilize the force, as well as they access the state. That is expressed in the way their society functions and how the individual operates.   Freedom as a force, or vector, has action and re-action. It is manipulated by other elements of matter, all of it ruled by the law of physics. But it is essentially a “rule breaker” that will always seek to break out of the status quo. If the...

Veröffentlicht von am in General Ideas
I am sure there is no need for a definition but it may still fulfill the purpose to get right to the point of the blog. According to the Oxford dictionary, pretence means an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true. Pretension is the act of trying to be more than one is, or a claim to be or do something. Pretending is to behave so as to make it appear that something is the case when it is not. I would like to add that while it usually implies one wants to be more, have more, do more than one does, it is enough to claim that one is different or doing something different when that is not true. It is a deviation from the truth as simple as that. Why...

Veröffentlicht von am in General Ideas
What is frustration? There are quite a few definitions around, but I may go back to the Latin word 'frustra', meaning, ' in vain, useless, for nothing, with no success'. The words alone give rise to feelings we don't like to have. We know, how it feels to be frustrated.  Simply said, frustration is a blockade that stifles our progress, or pursuit in something we want. In the "terrible two's" we throw a tantrum when we don't get what we want. Hopefully we learn then that tantrums do not get us anywhere because learning it as an adult is so much harder. Well, we may never learn and just continue to have a problem. Mind you, this adds to any new problem with not getting what we want. It is accumulative, leading to more frustration and...

Veröffentlicht von am in General Ideas

There are two references to make

1.   About Deoxyribonucleic-acid (DNA)

2.   About the book called DNA (Designing New Awareness)

The first one, deoxyribonucleic-acid, is a molecule that is essential to life as we know it, encoding and providing the genetic instructions of and for every living organism on this planet.